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Has science disproven Christianity? 

by | Apr 24, 2013 | Questions, Science

No, science has not disproven Christianity. Scientists seek to understand how the universe and everything in it works based on a systematized attempt to learn through observations, hypothesis, testing to validate or invalidate the hypothesis, and developing a theory (a principle generally accepted to be true) that sufficiently explains something. But, can it prove that Christianity is false? Yes and no.

The best way to prove that Christianity is false is to find the body of Christ. In Christianity, if the resurrection of Jesus is not true, then Christianity is proven to be false (1 Cor. 15:14, 17). Can science do that? It would be extremely difficult to prove that any particular ancient body, if one were found, was that of the biblical Jesus who died 2000 years ago. Therefore, it would be difficult for science to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt (that is what proof is) that the whole system of the Christian faith is false.

What about evolution? Does that disprove Christianity? No, it doesn’t. First of all, evolution is a theory, and despite all the proclamations of it being an absolute fact (not all scientists believe it is), it isn’t. The dogma that we arrived here via millions of years of evolving from lower life forms have not been proven to be true. Evolutionary theory still has many problems, such as the lack of intermediate stages between species in the fossil record, the unexplainable Cambrian explosion, the formation and transmission of super complex information structures found DNA, and much more. But, this article isn’t about evolution. It’s about science, as a whole, being able to disprove that Jesus was God in flesh and rose from the dead 2000 years ago.

As was stated earlier in this article, if it can be shown that the body of Christ has been found and that he did not rise from the dead, then Christianity would indeed be disproven. So far, science hasn’t done that.


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