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Why I don’t want to take a covid vaccine

by | Sep 18, 2021 | Covid, Secular Issues

I don’t want to take a covid vaccine for several reasons. If you are going to take it or have taken it, that’s fine. But, I don’t want any of the covid vaccines for the following reasons.

covid vaccine

  1. The vaccines were partially developed using abortive human tissue. I find this reprehensible, unethical, and ungodly.1
  2. The vaccines were rushed through development on an emergency basis. This means that were not as thoroughly tested as other vaccines.
  3. The vaccines don’t prevent you from getting the virus or getting sick.2
  4. The vaccines slow the spread of covid-19, but they don’t stop its spread. 3
  5. There is a relationship between more deaths in countries with more vaccines, whereas lesser-vaccinated countries have fewer covid deaths.  Why is that?4
  6. The long-term effects of the vaccines are not known.
  7. There are too many accounts of people suffering adverse effects from the vaccines.
  8. The vaccines are 13 times less effective than natural immunity.5
  9. There don’t seem to be many exemptions talked about for the infirm, people with compromised health issues, pregnant women, etc.  Why is that?
  10. The government and businesses are pressuring us to take them, even penalizing those who don’t.  That is not the job of the government or a business to tell me what medicine I take.
  11. The government is pressuring US citizens to take the vaccines, yet it has opened the southern borders to be invaded by illegals who are not required to be vaccinated!  Why? It must mean the real issue is not about health. It is about something else.  Control maybe?

People are being fired for not taking the vaccine. Nurses and doctors are quitting over it. The news media is promoting what’s called the “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  It is even saying that the unvaccinated should not have the privileges of travel nor be able to enter certain businesses. What is going on?  Why the Orwellian demand for submission?  That alone makes me want to tell them all to take a hike (stronger pejoratives at the ready)!  Whatever happened to “My body my choice”?  The left demands it as a right when it comes to killing the unborn, yet the left forgets that self-proclaimed right when it comes to medicines forced upon an entire society – especially those who don’t want it in their bodies.  They don’t have a problem forcing their will on others, including babies in the womb and the non-vaccinated.  Hypocrites!

If the vaccines work, why did the vaccinated want the nonvaccinated to take the shot? Do the vaccines work, or do they not work?  If they do, it wouldn’t matter if someone else was wearing a mask or not. Yet, businesses are pressuring people to wear masks and get the shot. Why?

I have a T-shirt that says, “Make 1984 fiction again.”  If you have never read George Orwell’s novel 1984, you should! In it, Big Brother is an oppressive governmental system that controls the media, controls what people think and believe, and controls what they do. Dissenters are dealt with harshly.

Make 1984 fiction again.


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