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A Muslim is a person who adheres to and practice the faith of Islam.  Muslims consider the Quran to be the holiest book. From yet are derived most of the teachings of the Islamic faith. In addition, Muslims hold in very high regard the hadith, which are the deeds and sayings of Mohammed, the founder, and author of the Quran.

Islam is defined by five pillars: the declaration of faith (shahadah), prayers (salat), fasting (sawm), almsgiving (zakat), and pilgrimage (hajj).  Islam is monotheistic, denies the doctrine of the Trinity, denies the deity of Christ, and affirms that salvation is at the whim of Allah, their god.

To become a Muslim a person must recite the shahadah:  “There is no God but God (Allah) and Mohammed is his messenger.”  The Shahada takes different forms, but it is the confession that there’s only one God and Mohammed is his prophet.




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