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Comparison between the four main views of the millennium in eschatology

by | Feb 18, 2022 | Eschatology, Christian Theology

There are several millennial views held by Christians regarding the rapture, the return of Christ, and the 1000 year reign. Each position has strengths and weaknesses. And though Christians may disagree in particulars, they all are within orthodoxy. In other words, holding to any view does not invalidate one as being a Christian. The following is a brief comparison between premillennialism,millennial views amillennialism, and postmillennialism.  You will notice that the premillennial view is divided up into dispensational and historic categories so there are four main categories. Also, this comparison is general. There are nuances held by individuals within different camps of thought, but it is not possible to list them all out in this table.  For more information on a comparison between the various views, please see the following.


Amillennialism Postmillennialism
1000 years Future, literal 1000 years. Future, literal 1000 years. 1000 years is a figurative number. The millennium is now. Christ is reigning in His kingdom. Differing opinions. 1) A future 1000 years of peace ushered in by the preaching of the gospel that converts the world.
2) We are possibly in the millennial period now due to the preaching of the gospel worldwide.
Great Tribulation Period Occurs before the 1000 year reign of Christ. Occurs before the 1000 year reign of Christ. Occurs at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ which is a figurative number. The Great tribulation occurs at the end of the millennium.
Anti-Christ Literal Figure. Will rise, control the world. Literal Figure. Will rise, control the world. Literal Figure. Will rise, control the world. Non-Literal Figure
Apostasy Prior to the 1000 year reign  Prior to the 1000 year reign Future, prior to the return of Christ. ?
Satan Bound at the end of the tribulation, before the 1000 year reign. Released after the 1000 year reign. Bound at the end of the tribulation, before the 1000 year reign. Released after the 1000 year reign. Bound at the beginning of the present millennial time. Released at the end. Real Figure will be bound by the preaching of the gospel throughout the world.
Return of Christ 1) A partial return before the 7-year tribulation.
2) Another return after the 7 years.
1) A partial return before the 7-year tribulation – some say after
2) Physical appearance to reign in the millennial kingdom.
One return after the figurative millennium period where He will set up the New Heavens and Earth. One return after the figurative millennium period where He will set up the New Heavens and Earth.
Rapture The Church will be raptured before the 7-year tribulation which is before the millennium. Saints are raptured after the 7-year tribulation and before the millennial reign Mostly post-trib and will occur at the time of the return of Christ. Not real to most in this camp. Simultaneous to the return of Christ for others
Resurrection 1) A resurrection of the good at the rapture.
2) A resurrection at the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Jesus.
3) A resurrection after 1000 years.
4) A resurrection of the wicked to damnation
1) A resurrection of the saints before the millennium
2) A resurrection of everyone after the millennium
One resurrection of all people at approximately the same time at the return of Christ. One resurrection of all people at approximately the same time at the return of Christ.
New Heavens & New Earth After the 1000 year reign of Christ is completed After the 1000 year reign of Christ is completed After the figurative 1000 years is finished at Christ’s return After the figurative 1000 years is finished at Christ’s return and conversion of the world
Judgment 1) A judgment of the raptured
2) A judgment of the nations
3) A judgment of the wicked at the end of the 1000 years
One judgment at the consummation of all things One judgment at the consummation of all things One judgment at the consummation of all things
Israel and the Church Israel and the church are separate. The church replaces Israel because Israel rejected the Messiah  The Church fulfills what Israel was supposed to do. Mostly the Church replaces Israel. The N.T. Church is the true Israel. The Church replaces Israel. The N.T. Church is the true Israel.
Kingdom of God Literal, physical reign of Jesus during the 1000 years  Literal, physical reign of Jesus during the 1000 years A spiritual reality in which we now live. A spiritual and physical reality affected through worldwide conversion
Charismatic Gifts Mostly cessationist  Mostly cessationist Mostly cessationist Mostly cessationist
Gospel Will be preached everywhere  Will be preached everywhere Will be preached everywhere Will convert the world


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