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LGBTQ+ Dictionary

by | Sep 10, 2011 | LGBTG+, Secular Issues

lgbtq+ dictionaryThis LGBTQ+ dictionary deals with terms related to the growing list of terms used in discussions about sexual orientation, identity, and more.

  1. AIDS – AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. It is a disease of the human immune system which is characterized by an increased susceptibility to illness.
  2. Agender – Refers to a person who does not identify with any gender.
  3. Ally – An ally is someone who is friendly to and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community
  4. Asexual – A term used for non-sexuality that describes a person who is very little or no sexual attraction to anyone.
  5. Bestiality – The practice where a person has sexual intercourse with an animal.
  6. Biastophilia – The rape of a person who is unconscious.
  7. Bigender – A person who moves between masculine and feminine expressions, identities, and behavior depending on the context.
  8. Biphobia – the fear or discomfort a person might have towards an individual who is sexually attracted to people in and out other biological gender.
  9. Bisexual – Bisexual means being attracted to both sexes, male to female, and male; female to male and female.
  10. Bondage – As it relates to sex, bondage is the practice of using means of restraint in order to receive or give pleasure.
  11. Cisgender – A term used to designate a person who complies with the standard definitions of gender that is revealed at birth; namely, male or female.
  12. Coming out – a term used to describe a person who acknowledges, accepts, and announces his or her sexual orientation and sexual identity.
  13. Cross Dressing – a person who enjoys dressing in the clothes associated with the opposite biological gender to which he or she was born.
  14. Demisexual – a person who can only develop sexual attraction after also developing an emotional connection with that person.
  15. Discrimination – The practice of separating, prejudice, or hatred against a person or persons based on gender, race, age, etc.
  16. Diversity – The condition of being diverse. In the context of homosexuality, diversity has the appearance of goodness, fairness, and equality among all people.
  17. Drag – The act of dressing in the clothing of a different gender to which a person is biologically born as part of an act or performance in front of people.
  18. Ephebophilia – Sexual attraction to people of mid to late adolescence.
  19. Exhibitionism – The practice of exposing one’s genitals in an inappropriate manner, usually in public.
  20. Fetish – As it relates to sex, a fetish is a fixation upon an object, body part, and/or practice that heightens an individual’s sexual pleasure.
  21. Frotteurism – The act of deriving sexual pleasure from intentionally rubbing against and/or touching a non-consenting person.
  22. Gay – Generally refers to males who experience sexual attraction or love for another biologically male person.
  23. Gay Men – A term used to describe men who are homosexuals.
  24. Gender – Typically a biological distinction of male and female. But of late is considered a socially constructed identity dealing with masculinity or femininity.
  25. Gender Binary – the two categories of biological gender: male and female.
  26. Genderfluid – a person whose sexual identity and sexual orientation varies over time.
  27. Gender Identity – the innermost belief in a person of how he or she sees himself or herself regarding sexual identity and orientation. It may or may not be consistent with one’s biological reality.
  28. Gender Queer – A term used to cover a broad scope of gender identities which are outside the binary gender, cisgender norm.
  29. Gender Selection – Gender Selection is the process of deciding which gender of a baby you want. It can involve discarding fertilized eggs of the gender that is not preferred. Unfortunately, in some cultures, female babies are discarded after birth.
  30. Hebephilia – Sexual attraction for children of early adolescent age, usually 11-14 years.
  31. Homophobia – A negative term used to describe anyone who opposes homosexuality.
  32. Heterosexual – A person who is attracted to someone of the opposite sex, male to female, and female to male.
  33. HIV – HIV stands for Human immunodeficiency virus, a virus that causes AIDS. It attacks the immune system and weakens it – making it more susceptible to disease and illness.
  34. Homosexual – A person who is attracted to someone of the same sex, male to male, and female to female.
  35. Infantophilia – Deriving sexual pleasure from sexual contact and/or intercourse with children five years and under in age.
  36. Intersex – Being born with a variety of sex traits and reproductive organs.this can include sexual organs, genitalia, and DNA.
  37. Lesbians – A female who is attracted to other females.
  38. LGBTQ+ – Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning and “other” being the broader scope of sexual orientations and gender identities.
  39. LGB – The acryonym and initial term used to designate lesbian gay bisexual. It has since been modified.
  40. LGBT – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual
  41. LGBTQ2+ – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), two-spirited.
  42. LGBTQ2S+/2SLGBTQ+ The same meaning as LGBGTQ+ where the 2S refers to “two-spirited.”
  43. LGBTQI – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), intersex
  44. LGBTQIA – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), intersex, asexual
  45. LGBTTTQQIAA – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), intersex, asexual, ally
  46. Masochist – A masochist is someone who derives pleasure through suffering or watching others suffer.
  47. MSM – Males having sex with males.
  48. Necrophilia – The practice where a person has sex with a dead person.
  49. Non-binary – A person does not identify as either male or female.
  50. Open Marriage – Open marriage is a marriage in which the partners involved agree to participate in sexual relations with people to whom they are not married.
  51. Orgy – Group sexual contact between many individuals either of the same sex or of different sexes.
  52. Pangender – A term used to describe those who identify as all genders.
  53. Pansexual – Aexual attraction of a person to all other gender identifications and sexual identities.
  54. Paraphilia – Paraphilia is a sexual deviation that has a broad categorization including sexual fantasies, inanimate objects, young children, etc., in order to gain sexual pleasure.
  55. Partner – A generic term used to describe marriage partners. It strips the marriage institution of male-female relationships and opens it to politically correct neutrality through which homosexual marriage can be validated.
  56. Polyamory – A person who can have emotionally and sexually intimate relations with more than one person at a time.
  57. Promiscuity – Sexual contact with multiple partners, either of the same sex or of the opposite sex.
  58. Queer – An umbrella term for people who do not consider themselves heterosexual or cisgender (either male or female)
  59. Questioning – The act of questioning or doubting one’s gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation.
  60. Radical Right – A derogatory term used to describe conservatives who do not adhere to supporting homosexuality or homosexual rights.
  61. Rape – The forced sexual intercourse with a non-consenting person.
  62. Sadomasochism – The practice of receiving pleasure, often a sexual pleasure, through being the recipient of bondage and/or pain. It is also the practice of receiving pleasure, often a sexual pleasure, through giving pain to someone else.
  63. Sex – Sex is the differentiation of male and female, but it has also come to be known as the act of sexual intercourse between two or more persons.
  64. Sexual Orientation – A politically correct term used to describe the sexual preferences a person has regarding people of the same gender or opposite gender. Sexual orientation is the condition of being homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual.
  65. Sexuality – The state and condition related to the biological structures related to gender. It is also used to describe a person’s activity in sexual preferences.
  66. Sodomy – The practice of inserting the penis into the anus.
  67. Transgender – A person whose gender is inconsistent with the practices and preferences of the gender to which a person has been born. A person who is born in a male body but considers himself female. Likewise a person is born in a female body but considers herself male.
  68. Transexual – A person who has had his or her gender changed through surgical processes.
  69. Transitioning – The process of change a person undergoes to identify with his or her perceived gender. This can include behavior, appearance modification, gender pronoun usage, hormone therapy, and surgery to alter genitalia.
  70. Transvestite – A transvestite is someone who dresses and/or acts in a manner consistent with the opposite sex.
  71. Troilism – Deriving sexual pleasure from watching one’s sexual partner have sexual intercourse with someone else.  This is also known as Cuckoldism
  72. Two-Spirited – Refers to a person who asserts that there is a masculine and feminine spirit living within the same body.
  73. Victim – A person who has been harmed physically, emotionally, financially, etc., by another person or persons.
  74. Voyeurism – The act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching another person undress and/or participate in sexual activity.  Usually, voyeurism involves watching others who are not aware of being watched.


References for the lgbtq dictionary



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