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Taking the knee against social justice abuses

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Social Justice, Secular Issues

Taking a knee has become a well-publicized form of protest against perceived injustices. Football players, baseball players, basketball players, police officers, politicians, et al., have publicly “taken a knee” to protest various forms of injustice. The San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started it when he knelt during the national anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality. Since then, that form of protest has spread.

Elements of social justice have gotten out of hand. There is constant oppression against conservatives, white people, and Christians. The angry activism of the cancel culture, wokeness, critical race theory, BLM, intersectionality, accusations of hate speech, weaponized racism, etc., has come against those who don’t comply. Freedom of speech and free religious expression are increasingly denied in what I call The New Society with its secular, morally loose bombardment of half-truths and accusations. kneeling before the cross taking a knee

I’m tired of it. I disagree with the aggressive and overreaching protests of the constantly offended. So, I am taking a knee in protest.

But be sure. That doesn’t mean I approve of police brutality or racism or prejudice or violence.

It’s just that I don’t approve of homosexuality, or abortion, or socialism, or the cancel culture, or wokeness, or BLM.  I’m a Christian who believes in the supremacy of God and the inspiration of Scripture. I affirm one race, the human race that God created as male and female. I believe in private property and the right to self-defense. I believe in free speech and the right to disagree without being threatened or punished. I believe that the Christian, Trinitarian God is the ultimate source of all truth. I affirm that He has revealed Himself in creation, the Bible, and in the person of Jesus. This is what I believe. This is what I hope to have enough courage to die for, if necessary.

I’m taking a knee in protest against Social Justice abuse.

I take a knee against the modern liberalism that is overtaking our society. I take a knee against the rise of socialism with its forced redistribution of wealth, power, and opportunity. I take a knee against the abandonment of reason. I take a knee against the rise of half-truths and biased media coverage. I take a knee against the social media censorship of conservatives. I take a knee against the encroaching secularism. I take a knee against the attack on the freedom of religion. I take a knee against the liberals who want to take away my gun rights. I take a knee against transgenderism and the requirement to refer to people by their preferred gender pronouns. I take a knee against the enforcement of liberal ideology upon our children in schools.

I protest.  It is my right to protest… as long as I still have that right that has not yet been suppressed or removed by the progressives.

If I am called homophobic, transphobic, a racist, or whatever because of my biblical beliefs, then so be it. False accusations abound in the intolerant, politically correct hate speech that percolates in our society and manifests in accusation, intolerance, and hypocrisy. The leftists are guilty of what they accuse others of doing (Rom. 2:1).

Does anyone care?

The leftist media mob will not champion my right to protest or anyone else’s right to protest against their double standard. We conservatives’ protestations will be collectively ridiculed by the intolerant left who only wants tolerance for themselves. We are, basically, powerless.

Biblical Truth

In the Bible, people have the right to do with their property is they desire (Acts 5:4), as well as have a representative form of government (Ex. 18:21-22; Deut. 1:13), where there is self-governance (Matt. 18:15-17), private property rights (Ex. 20:17), the liberty to act freely (2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:16), along with capitalist principles (Matt. 21:33-41; 25:14-30) and where the law requires a fair trial with witnesses (Deut. 19:15; Matt. 18:16). God separated the light from the darkness (Gen. 1:4), the waters above from the waters below (Gen. 1:7), and male from female (Gen. 1:27). God created divisions with their purposes, and I follow that system of division between good and bad, right and wrong, male and female, sin and holiness, truth and lies.

So, I stand for biblical truth and “figurately” kneel against the injustices of leftist propaganda, censorship, and intolerance.

I wish I could do more.


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