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The New Society

by | Feb 26, 2021 | Social Justice, Secular Issues

As I’ve been researching and writing on social justice, I found myself referring to “The New Society.”  It is not a term that I’ve read anywhere in reference to what’s happening to our culture. But it’s a phrase I kept finding myself repeating. The New Society is an emerging movement, a reconstruction, a change of the status quo away from traditional societal norms and towards liberal, Marxist, and secular ideology. It comprises a new sexually liberal morality, oppressive laws, political correctness, and oppression of conservatives. As this New Society develops, its leaders will seek to manipulate laws and culture to retain their power. In the process, they will condemn and silence those who stand in their way.

It scares me.

The New Society is a secular, humanistic, politically correct, semi-Marxist, morally relative culture with the following characteristics.

  1. There is no absolute and ultimate God who is the source of right and wrong. Therefore, they answer to no one.
  2. Christianity promotes oppression, bigotry, and intolerance. It must be resisted and even controlled.
  3. Morality evolves with the increasingly secularized society’s needs and desires. Moral absolutes are non-existent – except those promoting LGBTQ.
  4. LGBTQ rights are above the right of the free expression of a person’s religious convictions – even though they are guaranteed in the Constitution.
  5. Abortion rights must be preserved. Dissenters are ridiculed and mocked as oppressors of women.
  6. You have the right not to be offended. If you are, you have the right to silence the offenders, especially when it comes to their offensive, conservative speech.
  7. Politically correct speech is automatically superior to conservative speech.
  8. Victims are everywhere in the homosexual community, blacks, minorities, illegal aliens, women, etc., and the oppressors are those in the status quo.
  9. The weaponization of racism is used to shame white-people, stop oppression, and silence the majority.
  10. White people are automatically guilty of racism and continue to benefit from white supremacy.
  11. The media cultivate division, hatred, and resentment to gain ratings, push their leftist agenda, and further condition people to accept socialism.
  12. Big Tech and the mainstream media censor conservatives but allow left-spun misinformation to flourish.
  13. Doublespeak frames acceptable thinking and dialogue. Tolerance is really suppressed speech. Equality is discrimination against conservatives. Freedom is submission to the increasing control of the government.
  14. Free market capitalism has led to the unequal distribution of wealth and power that has resulted in the oppression of the lower classes.
  15. Socialism is the solution to our current problems since, they say, it promotes the equal distribution of resources and opportunity for all.
  16. Socialist propaganda is woven into schools, tv, and the media to shape the youth’s thought to accept more big government and reject constitutional principles.
  17. Guns lead to violence. Therefore, access to them must be restricted and controlled if not completely denied.


Correct behavior in the New Society

In the New Society, being woke is a virtue. Good citizens must be aware of racism, genderism, homophobia, and white supremacy. To demonstrate your properly compliant, woke attitude, you must practice virtue signaling and affirm the canceling of those who do not march in lockstep with the liberal agenda. Look to the left and salute the New Society. March on! Socialist groupthink is better than individual conviction. You must deny the oppressive free-market capitalism, which is inherently racist, and you must support socialism with its equitable redistribution of resources, money, and opportunity. Weaponize racism. Disensitivize the hard-working! Take from the rich and give to the poor! Rewrite history. Reinterpret the Constitution. Fall in line or face the consequences.

Welcome to the New Society.

No thanks.

Nazi Germany

New Society Swastika

New Society Swastika

I have watched many programs on the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. I cannot help but see the parallels between its propaganda, social control, and oppression with what’s going on here in America. Hitler and the Nazis taught that Christian worship was to be private and separate from the state.  He banned school prayers. Publically, he promised to respect the rights of churches. He spoke of freedom and tolerance, and people bought into it. The German churches hoped that if they left Hitler alone, he would leave them alone.  He didn’t, and the churches began to rebel.

“Hitler responded to the opposition of the church in the same way all hostile governments respond to those who would disagree with them: He created a flurry of new laws and then accused pastors and church leaders of breaking them. In one way or another God had to be separated from government policies and ejected from the public square…The role of the church was minimized by privatizing faith and instituting laws about what could or could not be said from a pulpit…With God and religion removed from government, the values of Hitler’s socialism filled the vacuum. The church would increasingly become the enemy of the state. Keep in mind that all of this happened under code words such as freedom, peace, and fairness.”
   Lutzer, Erwin W.. When a Nation Forgets God (p. 27, 28). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition, italics original,

Present-Day America

Today in America, there is an increased restriction on free speech and religious freedom. Though both are very important in a free society, it is the latter that I am most concerned with. Our religious freedoms are increasingly restricted, and Christians are being penalized more and more.  I’m not the only one who has seen this. “Whether it’s Nazism, Marxism, or Secularism, the state is always in conflict with religious freedom.”1 It is a fact. The more powerful a government becomes, the more secularized it becomes. The more secularized it becomes, the more oppressive it becomes. Those who stand in opposition to its secular monopoly will face penalties, be fired, denied commerce, or be censored by the growing cultural statism and its increased authority. For the state to retain its increasing power, the populace must submit; hence, The New Society.

What can we Christians do?

We Christians need to pray, study the Bible, stop being afraid to speak out, fight tyranny, contact your local, state, and federal legislators, and do whatever we can within our power and within the laws of this land to resist the rise of secularism and its attendant oppression of religious freedom.

“Scripture reveals that we are to “defend the rights of the afflicted and needy,” (Prov. 31:9), “reprove the ruthless and defend the orphan,” (Isaiah 1:17), “do justice to the afflicted and destitute…and deliver them out of the hand of the wicked,” (Psalm 82:3-4). We are to have no other gods but the true and living God (Exodus 20:3). We are to resist the sin of abortion (Exodus 20:13; Psalm 82:3-4). We are to resist the rise and promotion of homosexuality (Lev. 20:13; 2 Pet. 2:6-9). We are to resist the redefinition of marriage to accommodate sin (Mark 10:6). Resistance is biblical when it means to defy the decrees, laws, and commands of the ungodly leaders above us ( Exo. 1:15-21; 1 Sam. 14:24, 43-46; Jer. 26:10-16; Dan. 3:14-18; Matt. 2:7-12; 2 Cor. 11:32-33).

We cannot sit idly by and do nothing. If we remain silent, the wicked will prosper.


1 Lutzer, Erwin W.. When a Nation Forgets God (p. 15). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition.


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