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Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

by | Jun 28, 2011 | Uncategorized

Ron J. Bigalke is the Georgia state director for Capitol Commission (a national, Christian ministry to reach capitol communities for Christ). He also speaks and writes through Eternal Ministries (a missionary organization that he founded in 1999), and is a Biblical Ministries Worldwide missionary. Ron J. Bigalke has more than a decade of experience in numerous discipleship and evangelistic ministries. His church and leadership experience includes conference speaking, pastoral ministry, pulpit ministry, and youth ministry. He is an ordained minister, and partner of apologetics evangelism (on the topic of New Age) with the North American Mission Board, SBC.

Dr. Bigalke has instructed courses for Christian colleges and seminaries. Dr. Bigalke’s teaching experience also includes service as secondary teacher and administrator, in addition to service on several school boards. Ron is a frequent contributor to various publications, such as journal, magazine, newsletter, reference work (encyclopaedias and a handbook), and web articles, in addition to being the general editor of four books and contributor to a festschriften. He is also a member of several Christian professional societies. His undying commitment is to biblical evangelism and discipleship by God’s grace and for His glory.

Ron has served as a participant in ministries to juvenile detention centers and prisons, but typically God has used him as ministry leader. His training includes two pastoral internships, and many years of service through the local church. His formal training includes the following degrees: ABS, BS, Moody Bible Institute; MApol, Columbia Evangelical Seminary; MTS, PhD, Tyndale Theological Seminary; MDiv(with honors), Luther Rice University; and PhD (ABD), University of Pretoria.



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