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What are the miracles of Jesus?

The many miracles that Jesus performed authenticate who Jesus claimed to be, God in flesh (John 8:24, 58; 10:30-34). He was the Messiah, the anointed one, divine (John 1:1,14 Colossians 2:9) and his miracles are consistent with his claim. Following is a list of the...

What is the Golden Rule?

The golden rule is the statement spoken by Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, that says to do to others what you want done to yourself. It is found in various forms throughout the world’s religions since it is a very common principle. In the New Testament, it is...

How can I know if God exists or not?

Yes, there is a God. Without Him, we cannot make sense of rationality, existence, or morality. No other alternative makes sense. Let me explain. Rationality To be rational we must utilize the laws of logic, but those laws are conceptual statements that transcend space...
Materialistic atheism is self-refuting

Materialistic atheism is self-refuting

Materialism is the theory that matter is the only thing that exists in the universe, and that all phenomena can be explained in terms of it and its properties. This would mean that everything must operate within the bounds of physical laws, including the human brain....

Questions for Roman Catholics

Following is a list of questions that I sometimes ask Roman Catholics in various discussions. The responses vary from defensive tradition to ignoring them and hoping to go away. Some of the questions are easier for Roman Catholics to respond to, and others are not. I...

Did Jesus talk about homosexuality?

There is nothing recorded in the four Gospels where Jesus specifically mentions homosexuality the way Paul did in 1 Cor. 6:9. But, he does condemn it indirectly by affirming the Old Testament standard of heterosexual marriage as well as citing Old Testament references...