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Articles written by Matt Slick

Articles written by Matt Slick

Matt Slick is President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

Gardnerian Wicca

Gardnerian Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner (1884 -1964), a British Civil Servant, in the 1950s.  Gerald Gardner was born in Liverpool, England on June 13, 1884.  (Interestingly, that was Friday the 13th.)  Gerald suffered from Asthma and was allowed to travel to...

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Eclectic Wicca

Eclectic Wicca is the practice of adopting whatever works for an individual from any of the Wiccan traditions.  The word "eclectic" means to select from a variety of sources.  A person who holds to Eclectic Wicca can adopt rituals and ideas out of Dianic, Gardnerian,...

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Alexandrian Wicca

Alexandrian Wicca was started in England by a witch named Alex Sanders (1926 - 1988) and his wife Maxine (who was a Roman Catholic) in the 1960s. He was referred to as "The King of the Witches."  He had claimed to be initiated into Wicca at the age of seven by his...

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1734 Wicca

The 1734 Wiccan tradition was developed by Robert Cochrane, a British poet, and philosopher, who was born on January 26, 1931. He sought to restore the "Old Religion." The 1734 tradition is developed out of a series of correspondence between Robert Cochrane and Joseph...

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Wicca Symbols

Here are some of the many symbols used in Wiccan practices and writings.[fn]Cunningham, Scott, The Truth about Witchcraft Today, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2005, and DiZerega, Gus, Pagans and Christians, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2001.[/fn] ...

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Wicca and the youth

In our postmodern world where moral absolutes are disparaged and truth statements are doubted, Wicca fits right in. It offers a subjective religious experience that is aided by your own invention.  Wicca is the religion of nature worship, of gods and goddesses, of...

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