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There is a God. You are not Him.

by | Nov 25, 2008 | Bible Devotions, The Bible

One of the best things I’ve learned in life is, “There is a God. You are not Him.” Now, that may sound obvious – and it is.  But, over the years, I’ve discovered how incredibly true that statement is. I’ve noticed that God doesn’t consult with me about making decisions on running the world. And, if that isn’t humbling enough, He doesn’t take any of my suggestions about how things ought to be in my own life. I don’t understand why God doesn’t take my suggestions. After all, don’t I know what’s best for me?

Uh, nope.

But, it comes down to one thing: There is a God. I am not Him!

The Mormons teach that people can become gods of their own worlds. The New Agers teach that you are, basically, already god(s) in nature. Certain heretical “Christian” teachers on TV say we are little gods. Some religions teach that when you die, you join with the god-consciousness so you can “realize your full potential in oneness with the divine essence”…or something like that. They sure have high opinions of themselves.

When I look inside, I don’t find a divine nature. I find a sinner, a person who struggles with holiness and hopes to please the true God as he stumbles through life. I also find the indwelling Lord who has cleansed me and continues to cleanse me of my sins (1 John 1:9). Praise be to Jesus.

“There is a God. You are not Him” is a delightful piece of truth. Think about it. Who created the universe? Was it the infinite and wise God, or was it me… or you? I have not heard whether God consulted any of us about how the universe should be run.

When I look back on my life, and I remember some of my heart’s prayers and desires, I find that I’m glad He did answer a lot of them the way I wanted. I have often reminisced and winced at some of the immature and self-centered requests I have laid before God. The older I get, the more my prayers include thanks to the Lord for not answering my prayers. Now, I find myself praying that God does with me as He wills and that He teaches me what He wants. In fact, now my prayers consist of me petitioning Him, but also just giving everything I am to God and saying that I do not want my will done. I want His will done in my life.

How about you?

God is He is perfectly able to weave into your life, answers, and denials to prayer requests. He is so wise, so perfect, and so incredibly good that you can trust Him completely to hear your prayers and know what is best for you. That means you ought to trust Him completely.

Now, sometimes this means that you must confess your ignorance before God.  After all, many times, He does not answer some prayers such as healing others or saving others the way you want Him to. But, it is not for you to decide what is and is not answered. This is not your world. It is God’s world. You are His, and you are supposed to follow Him and seek His will in your life, no matter what it is. You must pray and glorify Him and seek His will, not your own.

Let me ask you. Have you tried to act as the ‘god’ of your own life? If so, how did things work out? Or, have you tried to prayerfully offer suggestions to God on how things should be done? We all have asked God for things.  That’s fine. But, it’s comforting to know that God is in control and that we are not.

It is comforting to know that God loves us even though he knows everything about us. He loves you more than you can imagine. In fact, His love for you extends back into infinity.  He has loved you that long!

It is incredibly comforting to know that God knows the future and that the Creator of All Things has our lives safely in His hands. It is comforting to know that we can trust in His infinite love for us and that He will provide for us, no matter what.

If you truly understand that there is a God and that you are not Him, then you can begin to relinquish your own rights, hopes, desires, and wants and submit yourself to His will. Bend your own desires and expectations into submission to His work in your life. Trust Him in all things. He is God, and you are not.

“Father, thank you for your great love for me. Thank you for the cross of Christ. I trust you, Lord, to guide me and do what is best for me. Please guide my heart that I would not see my will, but your will. Teach me how to pray and live according to your will and not mine. I yield to your sovereignty. I yield to your will.”


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