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Why write about covid?

by | Sep 8, 2021 | Covid, Secular Issues

CARM is writing about Covid for two reasons. First, all areas of life are subject to the Lordship of Christ (Eph. 1:22; Col. 2:10), so we need to address it.  Second, the economic, social, and political effect of the virus has been profound. Many Christians are wondering what to do and believe as they see the potential for oppression from the government and confusing information about vaccines. Many have even asked me if the shots are the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16). No, they are not. corona virus

Covid is real.  I’ve had it. My symptoms of just a fever lasted for one day  My wife had it.  Her fever lasted for 10 days.  People die from Corona Virus.  But, people also die from the flu, obesity, car accidents, drug overdoses, and more. These are sad realities in our fallen world.  But, why weren’t economies shut down for deaths related to obesity or the H1N1 flu which had a death rate of .69% or 302, deaths per 42,771 infections?

The covid pandemic is real.  People get infected. Those who have had it and recovered have natural immunities which are up to 13 times better than vaccines.1  Yet, the government pressures all people to take the vaccine – even those who’ve been infected, recovered, and have natural immunity. I can’t help but wonder why, especially since covid vaccines decline in their efficacy within 6 months, which is why they are talking about booster shots.2 And, I can’t help but wonder about how the pandemic has being used to restrict the rights of people and control their actions and speech as well as commerce, travel, and religious practices.  Am I overreacting?  I don’t think so.  I fear that ultimately, that pressures to get vaccinated, pressures to wear masks, and pressures to conform will lead to further restrictions on people, including Christians, who will be penalized for their desire to gather to worship and preach the gospel without having to submit to mandatory vaccines.  Think about it. Vaccine passports are now being proposed in America!  Really!?

I’m not anti-vaccine. Vaccines have saved millions of lives and I thank the Lord for them. But, we ought not to be forced to submit to vaccinations of experimental drugs that have, to say the least, many negative side effects.3. On one hand, when it comes to killing babies in the womb, those on the left will say, “My body. My choice.” But, when it comes to vaccines, they change their mantra to, “Your body. My choice.” The hypocrisy and the oppression related to this covid, are Orwellian (I recommend you read the novel 1984 by the atheist, George Orwell).  Again, do you think I’m overreacting?

This is why I’m so concerned.  There is conflicting information about covid, mask efficacy, statistics, vaccines, and more. Yet, our economy and rights have been trampled by Orwellian measures.  So, this is why I am writing about Covid.

(Please read the CARM disclaimer regarding Covid related issues.)


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