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How does God reveal Himself to us?

God reveals Himself to us in three primary ways: Creation, Scripture, and Jesus. General revelation is Creation. Special revelation is Scripture. Incarnational revelation is Jesus. However, when we look to Christ, we see the best representation of what God wants us to...

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What does “I AM WHO I AM” mean?

In Exodus 3, when Moses asked God for His name, God told Moses "I AM WHO I AM" and stated that Moses was to tell Israel that "I AM" had sent him. Indeed, the sacred name of God, YHWH (Often translated as the LORD, Yahweh, or Jehovah) is derived from the Hebrew verb...

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Is God a God of love?

Yes, God is a God of love. He is also a God of justice, a God of wrath, a holy and righteous God, and many other things which cannot be cut out and used in isolation to oversimplistically define God. But this does not negate the fact that God is, indeed, a God of...

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What does God look like?

The one true and living God of the Bible does not, strictly speaking, "look like" anything. First of all, even if our finite, physical eyes could perceive His true divine nature, there is nothing in all of creation to which we might compare God and say that He "looks...

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How do we know that God is good?

Answering the question, "How do we know that God is good?" is inherently problematic. How would we judge?  What standard would we use? Where would we get it? Also, it has to be a standard that is applicable universally, to all people. After all, how can we justify a...

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Did God Create Himself?

Did God create Himself? No, He did not. The Bible tells us that He has always been God (Psalm 90:2). God is not created. He is eternal. Furthermore, for God to create anything He had to already exist in order to perform the action. But He could not do anything if He...

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