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What is process theology?

Process theology is the philosophical and theological position that God is changing, as is the universe.  Therefore, our knowledge of God must be progressing as we learn more about him and it can never rest in any absolutes, which is why process theologians deny the...

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What is compatibilist free will?

Within Christian theology, compatibilist free will is the philosophical position which states that a person's free will is compatible with God's predestination and that an unbeliever is not capable, by an act of his or her free will, to choose to receive Christ as...

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What is libertarian free will?

Theologically speaking, Libertarian Free Will (LFW) is the view that peoples' choices are free from prior cause and that our fallen, sinful nature does not constrain moral choices.  In other words, human free will is completely free to choose to receive or reject...

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What is complementarianism?

Complementarianism is the view that males and females complement each other in their different roles and duties. In the context of Christianity, men are to be leaders in the church and the home, where women are not. Likewise, women are to assist the husband in raising...

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What is the Euthyphro dilemma?

The Euthyphro dilemma comes from Plato’s Euthyphro dialogue, which has had different forms over the centuries.  Basically, it is “Are moral acts willed by God because they are good, or are they good because they are willed by God?"  Another way of saying it is, does...

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What is logic?

Logic is the process of proper inference.  It is the system of thinking properly - of arriving at proper conclusions. based on premises and application of the prinicples of deduction, induction, and critical thinking.  It is the process of proper thinking based upon...

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What is skepticism?

Skepticism is the philosophical position that doubts that knowledge can be attained absolutely, yet it affirms that things cannot be known.  However, to what degree of certainty such knowledge can be had is debated. Skepticism could be said to be a search for...

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What is deontology?

Deontology is the study of moral obligation.  It deals with what a person ought to do.  "Ought" implies a moral necessity, and therefore a duty an individual should perform.  Deontological ethics deals not with the result of actions, but the nature of actions.  Take...

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What is idealism?

Idealism is a philosophy that emphasizes mind over matter.  It states that the material world has no real existence and everything is mind.  “Idealism was the philosophy that reality does not exist in the physical realm but in the mind.  Behind all reality is a divine...

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What is physicalism?

Physicalism is the position that everything that exists does so within the limits of its physical properties and that there are no other kinds of things other than physical. It differs from materialism in that physicalism recognizes the existence of things (concepts,...

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