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What was the Sanhedrin?

In the New Testament context, the Sanhedrin is not explained, but it appears to be the highest court of the Jews which met in Jerusalem and consisted of a council of leaders.  In Luke 22:66 we see Jesus being tried before the council of elders, which consisted of both...

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Is smoking cigarettes a sin?

The Bible does not address the issue of smoking cigarettes and whether or not it is a sin. Therefore, we need to look at other scriptures and see if we can derive an answer. The first place to examine would be where the Bible tells us that our body is a temple of God....

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Pokemon: What is it?

Update 7/16/2016:  The original CARM article on Pokémon was written in 2007. Recently, Pokémon has experienced a resurgence. In fact, it is now the number one viewed article on CARM.  My daughter who, I just found out, plays Pokemon Go, told me it's fun and that there...

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What is Passover?

Passover is the religious festival that celebrates the deliverance of Israel from the bondage of the Egyptians.  The term is derived from the Hebrew pasach which means "to pass over." When the Jews were in slavery to the Egyptians, the Lord raised up Moses to be their...

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Should a Christian go to war?

This question has caused a lot of division in the body of Christ. Should a Christian go to war where he might kill other people when the Bible says to "turn the other cheek" (Luke 6:29)? Is it right to do war against others or does the Bible forbid it? War is a state...

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