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Why are atheists hated?

The question, "Why are atheists hated?" is very generic and needs to be analyzed before we can answer it. We know that some people hate atheists and others do not. Also, what is meant by hate? Does the person asking the question mean hate in the sense of dislike or...

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What is a freethinker?

A freethinker is someone who believes that truth, knowledge, and facts should be based on logic, reason, and experience instead of religions, anything that is faith-based or is derived from any traditional heritage. They lean heavily on science since most freethinkers...

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What is the Athyphro Dilemma?

The Athyphro Dilemma is a moral dilemma for atheists.[fn]I coined this term and argument in response to atheists' frequent criticism of God's morality where they bring up the Euthyphro Dilemma[/fn]  This dilemma is adapted from the Euthyphro Dilemma with the "eu" be...

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