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Below you will find a list of articles found within the following category:

The Bible

List of Old Testament Books

List of Old Testament Books with a very brief statement of what each book is about. The Old Testament has 39 books in total, which consist of... Pentateuch - 5 books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Historical Books - 12 books Joshua, Judges, Ruth,...

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Is the Bible inspired?

The doctrine of the inspiration of the Bible means that the Bible in the original documents is God-breathed and that it is a divine product; and because it is divine, the original documents are inerrant.  The copies of those documents are not inspired.  We have copies...

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Dictionary of Bible Terms

Autograph - An original writing of a biblical document.  The original manuscript written. Canon - The collection of books that are considered inspired from God and authoritative in all areas addressed. Codex - An early book form made from papyri leaves cut, folded,...

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Not knowing

My daughter approached me with questions about the invisibility of God.  She wanted to know why God does not reveal Himself more plainly in our lives, why our prayers seem to go unanswered, and why God often works slowly. I realized that her questions were the result...

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