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The Gospel for Buddhists

The word "gospel" means "good news." This is what Jesus came to bring to us. His message is the good news of deliverance from sin, suffering, and death. It is the good news of the way to eternal life, to reconciliation with almighty God, and to an everlasting kingdom...

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Morality in Buddhism

While in Christianity man's primary problem is his sin and guilt before a Holy God, Buddhism teaches that, in reality, there is no right or wrong, and therefore no such thing as sin or moral guilt. "Good and evil" is said to be a false duality that one must transcend...

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Do Buddhists believe in God?

Buddhism is not compatible with belief in a personal God that is distinct from His creation, has a sovereign will and plan for mankind, or whose grace can deliver one from guilt and suffering. In this most crucial sense, Buddhists do not believe in "God" as Christians...

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What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a group of religious movements that derive from the philosophy and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who came to be known as "the Buddha," or "the enlightened one." Buddhism began in India around the late 6th century B.C. Many views and teachings vary...

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Glossary of Buddhist Terms

A glossary of Buddhist terms: Aggregates - Ever changing physical and mental forces or energies which at any given moment combine to make up what we call "persons" or "objects." Buddhism teaches that what we falsely assume to be a single person that endures over time...

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