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A fluid is a collection of molecules that move freely about, take the form of the volume in which they are contained, and adhere to one another. Fluids flow easily. Examples of fluids would be water and gases. Liquid-based fluids do not compress well. Gas-based fluids...


A fool is a hater of God. A fool is one who is morally weak, who misuses what God has given him for selfish purposes. He is lustful (Prov. 7:22), lazy (Eccl. 10:15), does not fear God (Prov. 14:2), hates knowledge (Prov. 1:22), and is self-righteous (Prov. 12:15). As...


Force is an influence on a mass that has the potential to alter the movement of that mass. When an object in motion has a force applied to it, the direction and/or speed of the motion is altered. The force between two magnetic polls, either attraction or repulsion,...

Foreknow, Foreknowledge

Foreknow, foreknowledge is God’s knowledge about things that will happen. Past, present, and future are all “present” in the mind of God. He inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). God has infinite knowledge (Isaiah 41:22, 23) and knows all things in...


Foreordination is the same as predestination which means that God ordains what will happen in history and in salvation. It means to appoint beforehand. The word ‘foreordained” is used in the KJV in 1 Pet 1:20. See the following verses regarding...


Forgiveness is the act of releasing someone from a debt or obligation. There are seven words in Scripture that denote the idea of forgiveness: three in Hebrew and four in Greek. No book of religion except Christianity teaches that God completely forgives sins. God...

Forgiveness – False View

Bible (Correct): Forgiveness is the act of releasing someone from a debt or obligation. Only Christianity teaches that God completely forgives sins by faith alone through receiving Christ (John 1:12) and being made right before God by faith (Rom. 5:1).   Christian...

Formal Logic

Formal Logic is the system of argument that deduces proper inferences based on precise premises. It is the examination of the form of the logical process rather than the content of the argument.


Fornication (Greek ‘porneia’) is voluntary sexual relations between two people who are not married to each other and are also not married to anyone else. The word “fornication” is the Greek “porneia,” Ï€ÎżÏÎœÎ”ÎŻÎ±, and occurs in six places:  Matthew...


A fossil is the petrified remains of an organism that has died, was buried in the ground, and its body structure has been replaced by the minerals in the surrounding ground. What is left is an image of the original organism. Fossils can be of animals, plants,...