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In Roman Catholicism, a parish is a subdivision of a diocese with the priest as its head. It is a geographically defined area.


(par-ooo-see-a) It is a Greek term that means arrival or coming. The term is often referred to as the time of Christ’s return, hence, the Parousia, i.e., 2 Thess. 2:1.

Pascal’s Wager

The argument that believing in God is the most logical thing to do since if there is a God and you deny him, then you are in trouble. If there is no god and you accept him, there is no problem because it doesn’t matter. Logically, it is better to not deny that...

Passive Obedience

Passive Obedience is contrasted with active obedience where Christ, after fulfilling the Law perfectly, was led to the cross to be crucified in order to atone for our sins.


Passover is the religious festival that celebrates the deliverance of Israel from the bondage of the Egyptians.  The term is derived from the Hebrew pasach which means “to pass over.” When the Jews were in slavery to the Egyptians, the Lord raised up Moses...


A pastor is someone who has spiritual care over a congregation.  The English word occurs only once in the Bible in Eph. 4:11, “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers.”  The word in Greek is poimen...


Patriology is the study of the doctrine of God the Father who exists within the Trinity.


Patristic means relating to the early Christian Church Fathers.  It is derived from the Latin word for “Fathers.”  Some of the Patristic Fathers were Ambrose, Athanasius, Augustine, Clement, and Irenaeus.


Patrology is the study of the Church Fathers and their writings. It is also known as “patristics.”


Pedobaptism (paedobaptism) is the practice of infant baptism. Some groups, such as Roman Catholicism, teach that such baptism saves the child. Other groups do not and consider it an act of covenant faithfulness.