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Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Equipping Christians, defending the faith, and reaching the lost for Jesus.


CARM provides three online schools for you to learn Theology, Apologetics, and Critical Thinking. They are arranged logically, in a simple easy-to-use format, and effectively teach you what you need to know about Christian theology.

By signing up, you will be helping to support this ministry as well as getting something valuable in return.

About CARM and our Statement of Faith

CARM is a nonprofit, non-denominational, multi-staffed Christian Apologetics Ministry that supports evangelism, radio outreach, and provides full-time support for several foreign missionaries. Our Statement of faith is lengthy in order to establish a proper scope of beliefs within the organization and for those inquiring about it.

Latest CARM Articles

Como memorizar as Escrituras

por Matt Slick Muitas pessoas tem dificuldade de decorar a saída de um novo centro comercial e muito menos se lembrar de um versículo da Bíblia. Falei com dezenas de pessoas sobre a memorização das Escrituras que dizem a mesma coisa: "Tenho uma memória terrível" Minha...

Gofundme Projects for CARM

The CARM supporters have been very helpful in the past. We appreciate their support greatly. Suggestions were made to begin a go fund me page for specific issues so that people can donate to what interests them. So, occasionally we will insert go fund me projects....

O que é o Evangelho?

Por- Matt Slick- Tradução-David Brito- O evangelho é a comunicação singularmente mais importante de Deus ao homem. Em Jesus, que é Deus Filho, temos a revelação do amor e sacrifício de Deus que nos salva do justo juízo de Deus sobre os pecadores. Se você não é um é...


Latest Books by Matt Slick

Whether you’re looking to read a science fiction novel, or a book on apologetics and theology, Matt has written several books available in Kindle format or paperback on Amazon.