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Can AI, Artificial Intelligence, become a god?

by | Mar 20, 2024 | Questions, Science

In order to answer the question of whether or not artificial intelligence can become a god (which cannot happen according to Christianity), we first must define our terms.  To define AI, I went to two AI websites and asked, “What is artificial intelligence?” This is the response.

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. The term can also apply to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind, such as learning and problem-solving. (

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on the development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI systems can be designed to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make predictions or decisions based on that data. AI technology is used in a wide range of applications, including virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, medical diagnosis, and financial trading. (

Artificial Intelligence become a god

Defining God

There are different concepts of God found in a variety of religions. Pantheism states that God and the universe are one and the same thing. Penentheism is the view that God in the universe are intermingled. Deism maintains that God exists and is not involved in the world. Deism states that God exists and is involved in the world. Some view God as an impersonal force, i.e., Star Wars. Generally speaking, the New Age Movement views God as a consciousness that indwells all of us and that we are divine. In Christianity, God is a personal being who is Trinitarian in nature and became a man in the person of Jesus (John 1:1, 14; Col. 2:9). All these views cannot be equally valid views of God since they are mutually exclusive. So, when we ask whether or not artificial intelligence can become a god, we can see that the question isn’t easily answered because it depends on how one defines the term god.

AI, Godlikeness, and Idolatry

Some might say that AI could become godlike since it can become a supersmart source of information that can outthink us, control our lives, and, if we submit to it, make our lives better. But this would be giving attributes of God (the Christian God) to a created thing – which would be idolatry. It is impossible from a Christian perspective since the Christian God alone is God. But that doesn’t mean people can’t view an AI as a god, which would be idolatry.

AI, Self-awareness, and Control

Whether or not an AI can become self-aware is, in my opinion, impossible to determine. We are familiar with self-awareness as it relates to ourselves, human beings. Furthermore, since people program AI, it is intended to mimic human intelligence. Therefore, what might appear as self-awareness would be nothing more than programmed necessary responses that imitate it. So, how would we know?

Consciousness is a complicated topic. We are familiar with the experience of our own self-awareness. We assume that other individuals have the same basic experience of it that we do. But how can we then project our subjective experience of self-awareness to a machine? The category of “human” and the category of “computer” are different. Each has characteristics related to it that are not part of the other. So, how can consciousness be attributed to a computer program? Even if the complexity of the responses is indistinguishable from human consciousness, it does not mean that such an artificial intelligence is actually self-aware.

In fact, if we were to ask an AI if it were self-awareness and it said it was, how do we know that it isn’t just mimicking human answers that were programmed into it? After all, by definition, artificial intelligence refers to “the simulation of human intelligence in machines.” So, it will be very difficult to answer the question of whether or not artificial intelligence can become truly self-aware.

Artificial Intelligence and becoming a god

There are many definitions of God. This article does not intend to cover all of them and relate them to AI. If we were to ask if an AI could become equal to the Christian God, the answer would be no. By definition, the Christian God is triune in persons without beginning and end. No artificial intelligence could be both triune and without beginning and end. So, in essence, no artificial intelligence can become God.

But what if the idea of “god” is just something that is incredibly intelligent, knowledgeable, and, if given control over our technology, could produce huge benefits for mankind? In that sense, with such a loose definition of god, then artificial intelligence can be defined as a god. But this is a loose definition and will be rejected by monotheistic religions—and polytheistic ones as well.


From the Christian perspective, an AI can’t become God. From the secularist position with a loose definition of what god is, it is possible. But would it not be a sentient, self-aware being? Or would it be whatever the program reveals it is? In programming there is an acronym: GIGO. It means garbage in, garbage out. In other words, a program is only as good as its code.  So what is the code going to be of artificial intelligence in the next few years? We will have to wait and see.


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