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What is the shepherding movement and is it biblical?

by | Mar 27, 2024 | Questions, The Church

The shepherding movement, also known as the discipleship movement, was a movement within Christianity, mostly in the 70s and 80s, requiring church members to submit to the church’s leadership. The leadership represented Jesus, and to submit to Jesus was to submit to the church leaders. The problem is that it became heavy-handed and oppressive. With the shepherding movement, Instead of the leadership of a church teaching the congregation members to be dependent on Christ and God’s Scripture, they are taught to live under the direction of the leadership in every area of life. So, if a church member wanted to get a job, move to a different city, buy a car, get married, etc., he had to submit to the leadership and do what they said. This can be controlling and manipulative and could remove the autonomy of individuals’ decision-making. This does not mean that Christians should ignore church leaders. But, it does mean we are not to be dependent on them and under their control. Church leadership is supposed to train Christians to look to Jesus and be guided by the Scriptures.

the Shepherding Movement

Within the shepherding movement, there is often an emphasis on small group gatherings, where church members share their lives and intimate details of past sins as they try to help each other improve their walk with Christ. But the danger here is that such exposed confessions can give the leadership enough information to control people. This is dangerous and can lead to cult-like behavior by leadership.


A Summary of the Shepherding Movement

The following is a brief list of the characteristics of the shepherding movement. It does not mean that adherents always followed everything listed, but it is a general synopsis.

  1. Popular in the ’70s and ’80s, mainly in the United States and underwent a lot of criticism.
  2. It emphasizes strong discipleship and submission to spiritual leaders.
  3. There is a hierarchy in the church, with the pastor at the top. The church members must submit to that structure. There is the danger of control being pushed on the church members.
  4. This can lead to service in the church as a requirement for proper discipleship, such as cleaning, setting up chairs, or even working at someone’s home.
  5. Those not following the leadership rules could be subject to discipline and shunning.
  6. This can cause other church members to become prideful because they are in the right standing with the leadership.
  7. If you leave, you might be accused of not being a true Christian or being in rebellion.


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