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How to use the Online Schools

by | Dec 24, 2008 | Schools

Pray first.  Ask the Lord to guide you.  Give your heart and mind to Him to be molded and shaped.  Trust Him to teach you.

If you go to the course outline to the left, you will see how the topics are arranged.  I strongly suggest that you start at the top and work your way down the list.  We begin with the Bible since it is the instruction book of our Christian faith and the basis from which we draw theological truths.  From it we derive proper knowledge; and the better you understand it, the better equipped you will be to know and defend your faith.  Of course, you can go through the online school any way you want.  You can read any subject you want in any order.  It is up to you.

After each lesson you will find questions and a link with the answers to those questions.  We recommend that you print out each lesson and set of questions and put it in a notebook.  Then answer the questions in your own writing.  You can then go and check your answers on the answer page.  Of course, sometimes the answers given may be different from yours, and your answer can be true just the same.  Remember, the answers are not always meant to be exhaustive.  They are guides.

Also, please feel free to print out each lesson with or without the questions that you may or may not answer – and feel free to copy them and give them to people you know.

We recommend that you also keep a piece of paper in your notebook so that you can write down verses you think you should memorize.  We could provide a list of verses for you to memorize, but we think it is best for the Holy Spirit to guide you to memorize the verses that He prompts you to.  We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit will guide you and bring to your attention verses and ideas that He wants you to know.  This is because you have a gifting mix that is unique to you, and the Holy Spirit knows what you need.  So, trust Him to guide you as you study.

Page Layout

CARM Online Schools

You will notice a set of numbers at the top left of every page.  It is the lesson that you are on, and it corresponds exactly to the navigation bar to the left.  The introduction section is prefixed with the number zero.  Each page in that section is designated by its own number.  This page, for example, is 00.02.  The next lesson is 00.03.  When you go to the section dealing with the Bible, you will notice that the first lesson in the Bible section has a lesson number of 01.01.  This numbering system has two purposes.  First, all you need to do is remember the lesson number you last finished, so you can easily return to where you left off.  Second, should we add material into the lesson plan, we can insert it numerically; and you will be able to print off the lessons and insert them in your notebook accordingly.  When we add or modify this online school, we will document it on the update page so you can see what is new.

You will notice to the left in the navigation bar is a link to the Dictionary of Terms.  This may be helpful throughout the lessons when you need to look up various words.  You’ll probably find that you refer to the dictionary frequently at first.  Remember, you must learn the words of theology.  Words are the tools of theological discussion.

All scripture references are linked to CARM’s online KJV Bible, so you can check each verse in context.

Each page is designed to fit any browser and print on any printer.  This is why it is “wide.”  This way it is scalable to your specific browser and printer needs.

Finally, at the bottom of every lesson page is a navigation bar that will help you through the school sequentially.  You should become familiar with it quickly and easily.

Once you become familiar with this online school and start reading and studying, you should find yourself learning more and more.  Remember to pray, to take notes, to print the material up and put it in a notebook, to add what else you discover, and to use what you learn.  The more you do this, the better you will know your faith; and the better able you will be to apply the truths of Christianity in every area of your life.

We hope that you have a productive time here at the online school.

May the Lord receive the glory.

Link for schools


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