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Questions about the CARM Online Schools

by | Dec 24, 2008 | Schools

  1. Are the online schools accredited?
    1. No, the online schools are not accredited.
  2. Does completing the work here help towards a degree?
    1. The CARM online schools are not affiliated with any educational institution. This is simply an offering of CARM. They can help you earn a degree by training your Christian walk.
  3. How long do I have access?
    1. Access is granted for an indefinite period or until CARM decides to shut them down (which shouldn’t ever happen). When you sign up, the system will say it is for 20. This is because 20 years is the maximum amount of time the registration program will allow. But, the intention is to be indefinite.
  4. Are the online schools very technical and difficult to understand?
    1. No, the schools are very easy to understand. Terms are introduced and defined. Also, you can always go to the dictionary of terms in each school to see what words mean that you don’t understand.
  5. What are the benefits of these schools?
    1. The benefits are that you get to learn Christian theology and/or Christian apologetics in a more orderly fashion. You will know more about the Lord and His revelation. You can discover and clear-up any theological errors on your part as well as help defend the Christian faith.
  6. Why not read all of CARM instead of paying for these schools?
    1. You can. It is all there, but the schools are organized. Also, there is some new material written only for the schools. Besides, they are concise.
    2. You can test yourself to measure your progress.
  7. Will you be continuing to add to the schools?
    1. The schools are finished. But, I may add a little here and there as people make suggestions. All changes will be noted on the update page of the respective school.
    2. I may be adding recommended book readings, downloadable audio lessons, and PowerPoint presentations in the future. We’ll see.
  8. How much are you charging for the online schools?
    1. CARM is charging $33 for online registration for each school or $75 for all three.
  9. Why are you charging for the schools?
    1. All of CARM is for free. Charging tuition helps the student to take the studies seriously. It will also help to fund CARM’s expenses so that it can continue to provide so much free information.
  10. What makes you qualified to write these schools?
    1. As the author of CARM, I have earned a Masters of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary (1991). I have been involved in apologetics for 26 years, two years of answering questions on Christian radio, have my own call-in Christian radio show in Boise, Idaho, I’m a published author (Right Answers for Wrong Beliefs), and have been teaching and preaching for most of those 26 years. CARM, so to speak, is my resume.
  11. Do you push any denominational perspective?
    1. No, the online schools do not push any denominational perspective. They do, however, admonish people to be tolerant of other Christians who have differing views on debatable subjects such as the rapture, baptism, etc.


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