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What should I do if I suspect demonic oppression?

Is demonic oppression real? According to the Bible, yes it is. Demonic forces are wicked and are capable of influencing people to do bad, to become sick, to feel depressed. So, what you do if you suspect that you are being demonically oppressed?  First, pray and ask...


Founder: Paul Twitchell in 1965. Died in 1971. Headquarters: Chanhassen, Minnesota Membership: Estimate at 50,000 Origins: Paul Twitchell who was involved in the occult, formed the first Eckankar group in 1965. Its origins go back to Hinduistic philosophy. The present...

Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, achieved status on the New York Times best-seller list for several months after its release in March of 2004. It is the story of the history-changing secret that Jesus was not divine, was married to Mary Magdalene, had children, that...

Brain Gym

According to the Brain Gym website at, the Brain Gym technique was developed in 1969 by Paul Dennison, Ph.D. “Brain Gym consists of 26 easy and enjoyable targeted activities that bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in...

Cognitive Relativism

Cognitive relativism affirms that all truth is relative.  This would mean that no system of determining truth is more valid than another system and that there is no objective standard of truth to be found or claimed.  It would, naturally, deny that there would be a...