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Statistics on the percentage of the population that are homosexual and lesbian

by | Sep 12, 2011 | Minor Groups & Issues, LGBTG+

Statistics on the percentage of the population that are homosexual and lesbian:


  1. 3.8% of Americans are gay
    1. “The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, a sexual orientation law and public policy think tank, estimates that 9 million (about 3.8%) of Americans identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (2011).” (
  2. 1.8% of Americans are bisexual
    1. “The institute also found that bisexuals make up 1.8% of the population, while 1.7% are gay or lesbian. Transgender adults make up 0.3% of the population.”  (
  3. 1% of American Households
    1. “The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households.” (
  4. 3%-8% are gay and lesbian
    1. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force estimate three to eight percent of both sexes. (
    2. “While the percentage of women and men aged 18-44 years who reported they were either heterosexual or homosexual was similar (94% of women and 96% of men said they were heterosexual while 1.1% of women and 1.7% of men said they were homosexual or gay), the percentage of women who reported they were bisexual was more than 3 times as high as men (3.5% of women vs. 1.1% of men).” (, p. 5.)


  1. 1.2% of Australians are gay
    1. “Number of homosexuals in Australia Nationwide statistics–1.2% of adults identify as homosexual or lesbian. * 1.6% of adult men identified as homosexual and 0.8% of women as a lesbian. * 1.4% of women and 0.9% of men said they were bisexual. Source: The 2003 ‘Sex in Australia’ survey of 20,000 people, with a special weighting to Sydney’s homosexual center. Conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society(ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. Published in Australian & NZ Journal of Public Health, Vol 27 No 2 2003 ISSN 1326 0200.” (


  1. 1.5% of the adult population are gay and bisexual
    1. “The report by the Office of National Statistics placed Britain’s gay and bisexual community at 1.5% of the adult population, almost 750,000. Six years before, however, ministers had estimated the figure at almost 3.5 million.” (


  1. 1% of Canadians are gay
    1. “Among Canadians aged 18 to 59, 1.0% reported that they consider themselves to be homosexual and 0.7% considered themselves bisexual. About 1.3% of men considered themselves homosexual, about twice the proportion of 0.7% among women. However, 0.9% of women reported being bisexual, slightly higher than the proportion of 0.6% among men. ” (


  1. Same-Sex Marriages 3%:
    1. “For the first six months after gay marriage was legalized in the Netherlands, same-sex marriages made up 3.6% of the total number of marriages. The numbers have steadily dropped since then to around 3%, with 2,500 gay couples marrying in 2001, 1,800 in 2002, 1,200 in 2004, and 1,100 in 2005.” (

The Kinsey Report–10% of Americans Homosexual

  1. “In his 1948 book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Alfred Kinsey shocked the world by announcing that 10% of the male population are gay.” (
  2. “Prof Kinsey interviewed thousands of men and women in the United States between 1938 and 1952 and claimed that 13 percent of the men and 7 percent of the women were “almost exclusively” homosexual. However, his methods have subsequently been cast into doubt. Professor Julia Ericksen, from Temple University in America, warned that Prof Kinsey’s methods could not be used to derive an indication as to the behaviour of the population as a whole.” (
  3. “The truth is that this ten percent statistic comes from a report published more than 40 years ago–the famous 1948 study led by William Kinsey.6 The only problem with this report is that its findings were terribly flawed by the methodology used to collect the supposedly representative sample of the U.S. population. Why were his findings flawed? For several reasons, first and foremost being that approximately 25 percent of the 5,300 individuals Kinsey studied were prison inmates, “who by the nature of their confinement, couldn’t have heterosexual intercourse.” In addition, 44 percent of these inmates had had homosexual experiences while in prison. This was hardly a representative sample of the American population.” (


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