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Do Christians get re-justified?

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Doctrine, Questions

Christians do not get re-justified. Justification is the legal declaration of God where he credits to the believer the righteousness of Christ (Philippians 3:9) by faith (Romans 5:1). Our justification is a one-time that happens when we trust in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. It is a once for all occurrence.

When Jesus walked the earth, he fulfilled the Law perfectly and never sinned (1 Peter 2:22). Therefore, he is perfectly righteous. We call this his “active obedience” because he was actively keeping the Law. When he went to the cross, he allowed people to drive nails into his hands and his feet and lift him up and crucify him. He was passive in that he allowed them to crucify him. We call this his “passive obedience.” It was in his “passive obedience” that our sins were credited to him (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24). So, when we trust in Christ, we are trusting in what he did on the cross when he bore our sins and died with them. And not only are our sins removed, but he gives us his righteousness when we believe and trust in him. So in his passive obedience we are cleansed from our sins (our sins were transferred to Him on the cross), and in his active obedience we are declared righteous (His righteousness is transferred to us). This righteousness is what we call justification, the proper and good standing before God, and His law.

Furthermore, to be ‘rejustified’ would mean that we were justified at one point (saved), and then lost our salvation (unjustified), and then regained our salvation so as to become justified again.  But, Jesus taught us that we cannot lose our salvation (John 6:39).

So, this justification occurs when we believe (Romans 5:1), and is not the result of works (Romans 3:28; 4:1-4).

However, false religious systems teach that our salvation is dependent upon our ability to remain faithful, whether it be by continuing to believe, or by belief and a combination of doing good. Either way, such false teachings would imply that a person could become saved (justified), unsaved (unjustified), saved again (justified), etc. But again, this is against what Jesus taught in John 6:39 in John 10: 27-28. We cannot lose our salvation; otherwise, it would mean that Jesus failed to carry out the will of God the Father as is referenced in John 6:39.


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