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Articles written by Matt Slick

Articles written by Matt Slick

Matt Slick is President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

Perguntas aos Mórmons

Se o princípio da "progressão" é uma verdade eterna, por que é que Jesus e o Espírito Santo não são deuses de seus próprios mundos? Se é necessário ter um corpo, a fim de tornar-se um Deus, então como é que o Espírito Santo, que não tem um corpo, poderá alcançar o...

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What is evidence?

Evidence is an interesting concept. If I were sitting at a table with you and I placed a small, smooth, black stone on the table between us and I asked you, "Is this evidence?", I suspect you would say something like, "Evidence for what?" That would be the right...

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What is the dominion mandate?

The dominion mandate is the command of God to Adam, and thus to all mankind, to take dominion over all the earth, to subdue it, and carry out the command of God. However, the dominion mandate does not justify the abuse of the land or animals. Instead, Christians are...

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Did Jesus ever claim to be God?

Yes, Jesus claimed to be God.  He claimed to be "I AM," which is God's name (Exodus 3:14 with John 8:58).  For us to understand his claim in its cultural and biblical context, we need to read something in the Old Testament and then in the New Testament.  Before God...

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