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What is evanescent grace?

Evanescent grace is a temporary grace that is given to a person but then fades away. The term is used to explain situations where people seem to believe and trust in Christ truly but later stop truly believing. But is this biblical? Can someone have the grace of God...

What is subjective morality and is it valid?

What is subjective morality and is it valid?

Subjective morality is both valid and invalid, depending on the context. Before we try to explain why this is so, we need to define our terms. Morality is a system of conduct that deals with right and wrong. To be subjective means that one's personal experience,...

Did the incarnate Jesus desire to die or not?

Did the incarnate Jesus desire to die or not?

There can be a sense in which we could say that Jesus desired to die and another in which He did not want to die. Like everyone, we can have conflicting desires about the same thing. for example, we may not want to undergo a particular surgery, but decide to do it...

What does the Old Testament say about the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is throughout the Old Testament. He is referred to by various titles and performs various actions. He is called His Holy Spirit, The Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, etc. He abides among people, fills people, indwells people, moves people, etc....

What letters, epistles did Paul write and from where?

What letters, epistles did Paul write and from where?

Paul was a dedicated servant of Jesus, risking his life many times while preaching and traveling. He was beaten, imprisoned, and defamed. But he persevered. He wrote 13 epistles (14 if you include Hebrews). He wrote many epistles while in prison. Paul's exact...

Debate: 5/31/2024, Weber State, Matt Slick v David Robinson

Debate: 5/31/2024, Weber State, Matt Slick v David Robinson

  Debate Date:  Friday May 31st, 2024 Debate Time: 4-6 pm Debate Location:  Ogden, Utah. WilWeber State University, Wildcat Theater Debate Cost: Free Debate title: Does the Bible teach salvation by faith or by works? Debate Participants – Matt Slick (A Christian)...

Is regeneration the same thing as eternal life?

Is regeneration the same thing as eternal life?

Regeneration is not the same thing as eternal life, though they are related. Regeneration is the work that God does in a person where that person is caused to be born again (1 Pet. 1:3; John 3:3) and indwelt by God (John 14:23). It is the work of the Holy Spirit who...

Will we all speak one language in heaven?

Will we all speak one language in heaven?

The Bible does not tell us whether or not we will all speak one language in heaven. Therefore, we can only talk about what might happen in heaven regarding communication. There are more than 2000 languages on earth today. Will God give us the ability to understand all...

How does election work with The Great Commission?

How does election work with The Great Commission?

Election and The Great Commission work together because both are taught in Scripture. Election is God's choosing of people for salvation (Eph. 1:4; 2 Thess. 2:13). The Great Commission is Christ's instructions to go into the world and make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20)....

Is the Trinity in the Old Testament?

Is the Trinity in the Old Testament?

Since God is a Trinity and God is in the Old Testament, the Trinity is in the Old Testament. But it isn't as clearly revealed as it is in the New. The Old Testament speaks of God in a more general way. It anticipates the fuller revelation found in the New. But,...

Did God the Father appear in creation?

Did God the Father appear in creation?

Did God the Father appear physically in creation at any time? We can't say definitely yes or no since we can't say how such a manifestation of the Father might occur. However, biblically speaking, we don't find any record of the physical appearance of the Father....

Has the Quran been preserved perfectly?

Has the Quran been preserved perfectly?

Muslims claim that the Quran was perfectly preserved, is without errors, contains scientific accuracies, and has no internal contradictions. But this is not the case, as you will see below. According to the Quran, it is inscribed from a tablet preserved in heaven...