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Can you explain the biogeographical distribution of species?

Question: I have just finished my studies on Biology, and everybody asks me more questions than what I can answer. I would like especially to know how you explain the biogeographical distribution of species and the "pseudogenes." Thank you. God bless you. Response: If...

What about the ‘creeping’ things and Noah’s Ark?

QUESTION: Creationists keep missing one very important detail; what happened between Noah and Jesus? That's only 2,500 years. God killed all life on land, even that which creepeth on the earth. If I take the Bible literally, then he killed worms, beetles, microbes,...

Are evolution and adaption different?

Question: Are evolution and adaptation different? Response: "Evolution" is such a broad term, simply meaning "change," that quite honestly it can be stated that adaptation qualifies as a type of evolution. However, when "evolution" is stated to the layperson, the...

Why believe in Christianity over all other religions?

Critics often ask why we should believe in Christianity over all other religions in the world. How can it be that only Christianity is true?  If God exists, why can't God use different religions?  Don't all paths lead to God?  Skeptics ask these kinds of questions all...

Second response to criticism of “Is atheism viable?”

This article is my response to an atheist's response to my original paper, Is Atheism Viable?  The atheist's response was originally posted on the CARM discussion boards.  I have copied it here so that I might respond.  The atheist's responses are in brown.  My...

Another response to criticism of “Is atheism viable?”

Some atheists take their atheism seriously, and others do not.  Either way, I am pleased to see atheists attempting to refute what I've written on CARM.  The following article is such a case. I was contacted by a Mr. Dawson Bethrick who told me he had written a...

Is atheism viable?

Is atheism viable?

Atheism is, essentially, a negative position.  It is not believing in a god or actively believing there is no God or choosing to not exercise any belief or non-belief concerning God, etc.  Whichever flavor is given to atheism, it is a negative position. In discussions...

The Transcendental Argument for the existence of God

The Transcendental Argument for the existence of God

The Transcendental Argument is an attempt to demonstrate the existence of God using the Laws of Logic, also referred to as Logical Absolutes.[fn]I learned this argument from Dr. Greg Bahnsen in his debate with Gordon Stein on "Does God exist?" I have benefited from it...

An answer to a refutation of the Transcendental Argument

The Transcendental Argument is the argument that attempts to prove God's existence by arguing that logic, morals, and science ultimately (though unwittingly) presuppose the Christian worldview; and that God's absolute nature is the source of logic and morals. Some...

Terms and Definitions

Terms and Definitions

by Matt SlickA priori --Knowledge, judgments, and principles which are true without verification or testing.  It is universally true. Agnosticism--The belief that the existence of God is not knowable. The word is derived from the negative 'a' combined with the...

Why do you believe in Jesus but not Santa Claus?

Sometimes atheists will ask why Christians believe in Jesus and not Santa Claus.  Some atheists say you cannot prove Jesus existed any more than you can prove Santa Claus exists.  Of course, this is not accurate for several reasons. First of all, Jesus is presented as...

The Rational Response Squad: method over substance

On June 2, 2007, I had a discussion with the so-called rational response squad, an atheist group that claims to mix rationality with atheism and asserts that belief in God is a delusion.  A while back they initiated the so-called "blasphemy challenge" on the internet,...

All of reality and God’s existence

The following logical argument against God's existence that was offered on the CARM atheism discussion board.  I have reproduced it and shown where the argument is invalid. "Reality" is denotative of all of that which exists. Entity X is postulated to exist outside of...