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When does the soul leave the body?

Question: When does the soul leave the body at death? Paul in his writings says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, but when are we absent from the body? Some background. My wife has struggled with this trying to put her Christian faith...

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What is repentance?

Repentance is properly understood to mean a change of mind - a change of the intention from wanting to sin to not wanting to sin - that results in a change in action. It involves the decision to make a change of behavior and/or attitude about something. Biblically,...

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What does it mean to be dead to sin?

The phrase "dead to sin" only occurs once in the Bible.  Roman 6:11 says, "Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus."  As Christians, we are dead to sin through our union with Christ. In other words, We are to consider ourselves...

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What is Trinitarianism?

Trinitarianism is the theological belief in Christianity that God is a Trinity.  The Trinity is the teaching that there is only one God in all existence and that God exists in three distinct, simultaneous, co-eternal, co-powerful persons known as the Father, the Son,...

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What is adiaphora?

In Christianity, adiaphora means that something is debatable, spiritually neutral.  There are essentials of the Christian faith such as the deity of Christ, monotheism, Christ's physical resurrection, etc.  But there are also topics that deal with issues that are...

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What is the Covenant of Grace?

The Covenant of Grace is made between God and Man. This Covenant of Grace is where God promises eternal salvation to Man based upon the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  This is called a Covenant of Grace because it is initiated by God, due to no part and worthiness...

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