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Below you will find a list of articles found within the following category:

Secular Issues

What is Creationism?

The word "creationism" has both a broad and a narrow meaning. It can widely apply to any belief that God created all things, or more narrowly to the "young earth" view that God created in six literal days only a few thousand years ago. Broadly speaking, creationism is...

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What is pride month?

Pride month is a governmentally recognized affirmation of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. It is also known as the LGBT pride month and occurs during the entire month of June. Celebrations include parades, picnics, concerts, and more, and...

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What is LGBTQ+?

LGBTQ+ is an acronym for several variations of sexual preferences and orientation: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning. The '+' refers to additional variations such as agender, asexual, bigender, intersexual, pansexual, etc.  There is a...

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