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Is the God of Islam really righteous when he ignores his own law?

by | Aug 17, 2011 | Islam, World Religions

In this dialogue I had with a Muslim, I introduced the concept that the God of Islam cannot be righteous because he ignores his own law in order to forgive people. The God of Islam, Allah, cannot satisfy the requirements of his own law which states that sinners must be punished. This is different than Christianity where God satisfies the requirement of the law by becoming under the law (John 1:1,14; Gal. 4:4) and bearing the sins of those who broke that law (1 Pet. 2:24). The God of Christianity is righteous. But, the God of Islam is not.


Matt Slick: Now, my question(s)
Ahmed: Yes, please
Matt Slick: Is it morally good to ignore the righteous law of God? For example, if a judge were to ignore the law of God and set a murderer free without any punishment, is that the morally right thing to do?
Ahmed: No
Matt Slick: Thanks
Matt Slick: Can God ignore his own moral law?
Ahmed: What is God’s moral law?
Matt Slick: A law by necessity has a punishment otherwise is not a law.  For example, it is wrong to lie, to murder, etc.
Matt Slick: These are laws of God because they’re based on the moral character of God.  God cannot lie, God cannot do anything morally wrong
Ahmed: No because Titus 1 says God cannot lie
Matt Slick: Titus 1:2, Yes.
Matt Slick: So, if God ignored his own moral law then would he be moral?
Ahmed: Then God is not God
Matt Slick: I agree.
Matt Slick: Would you agree with me that the moral law of God must be satisfied? If it is not, if God does not fulfill the requirements of his law, is moral law, then he would be morally wrong and he would, as you say, not be God.
Matt Slick: I’m formulating my next statement.  Here’s my question.
Matt Slick: In Islam, there are people that Allah forgives.   There are, from what I understand, situations where he does not punish them for their sins.
Matt Slick: In other words, in Islam, someone could be repentant and be forgiven.  How is the law of God satisfied in Islam when Allah simply forgive someone?
Ahmed: What do you mean by satisfied?
Matt Slick: The law requires a punishment otherwise it is not a law.
Matt Slick: So, if I were to rob a bank and I were caught, the law would give me a punishment, maybe 20 years in jail, etc. Once I have paid my debt, the law has been satisfied and I’m free to go. Then what you’re telling me, if I understand this correctly, is that in Islam there are sins whose punishment is not carried out. Therefore, God is being immoral by not meeting the requirements of his moral law
Ahmed: In Islam, certain sins require not punishment but repentance. And other certain sins require punishment.  It depends on the type of sin.
Matt Slick: Can you give me an example of a sin that does not require any punishment?
Ahmed: It is not true because God set the law in such way that if you do such sin, you repent and in the case of other certain sins, punishment should be carried out
Matt Slick: Can you give me an example of a sin, which is breaking the law of Allah, does not require punishment?
AhmAhmed: Such as speaking disrespectfully to elders in the street
Matt Slick: In order for something to be a sin, doesn’t it have to be declared by Allah to be a sin?
Matt Slick: If so, where in the Quran is that? And if it is a sin, and someone violates the law of your God, what makes your God righteous if he ignores his own law?
Ahmed: In the Hadeeth, it is mentioned. God made his law in such a way
Matt Slick: Are you putting the Hadith on an equal level with the Quran?
Ahmed: Yes
Ahmed: Because both inspired to Mohammed peace be upon him.
Matt Slick: Are you saying they are both equally inspired?
Ahmed: Let me ask you
Matt Slick: Yes?
Ahmed: Ezk 18:4 says “the soul that sins shall die” so innocent Jesus cannot die for the guilty people.
Ahmed: Let us think it over next time.
Matt Slick: Ahmed, if you want to discuss biblical theology, imputation, federal headship, and propitiation, I would be willing to do that with you at a later time.
Matt Slick: After all, in Christianity, the sacrifice of Christ is a vicarious substitutionary legal event that deals with the issue of imputation and federal headship.  If you want, but I said, I would be glad to teach you about this at a later time.
Ahmed: I will do in the sight of everyone here.
Matt Slick: But, I’m so concerned about the God of Islam and his righteousness. Can we please stick with that topic?
Ahmed: We will.
Ahmed: Do you read the Arabic Bible, Matt
Matt Slick: No I do not read Arabic.
Matt Slick: Here’s my question.
Ahmed: I read the Arabic Bible
Matt Slick: In Islam, if someone sins, if someone violates the law of your God, what makes your God righteous if he ignores his own law by not satisfying the law and by simply letting the person go free?
Ahmed: The name of God is “ALLAH” in all Arabic Bibles
Matt Slick: I know that
Ahmed: So the God of Islam and of the Bible is ALLAH
Matt Slick: Here’s my question again. In Islam, if someone sins, if someone violates the law of your God, what makes your God righteous if he ignores his own law by not satisfying the law and by simply letting the person go free?
Ahmed: I am Arab by race
Ahmed: Because God calls himself “The All-Forgiving” like in the Bible
Matt Slick: No disrespect, but you aren’t answering the question.
Ahmed: God in the Bible in Isaiah says “I forgive sins for my own sake”
Matt Slick: All you’re doing is begging the question. It is a fallacy in argumentation. You’re saying that God just forgives sin. You’re saying that Allah just ignores his own law. Because that’s what he does sometimes.
Matt Slick: Here’s my question again. In Islam, if someone sins, if someone violates the law of your God, what makes your God righteous if he ignores his own law by not satisfying the law and by simply letting the person go free?
Ahmed: I might have misunderstood it.
Matt Slick: The question is how is he made righteous if he ignores his own righteous law?
Ahmed: I never said God ignores his law.
Matt Slick: Are you saying he satisfies his law when someone sins in all instances?
Matt Slick: Because from what I understand in Islam, that is not the case.
Ahmed: It would have been ignoring if God did not call himself he is all-forgiving
Matt Slick: In Islam, God forgives, that is he simply ignores the requirements of punishment of his law and forgives someone.
Ahmed: I did not say either.
Matt Slick: How is this not unrighteous if God, your God, simply ignores his righteous law?  How is this not righteous if he ignores it by simply forgetting someone?
Matt Slick: Does not a law require punishment?
Ahmed: Not necessarily
Matt Slick: In Christianity God is so holy, so righteous, that all law must be dealt with. All who have broken the law will either pay their own punishment or will have to hide under the punishment but upon God in flesh, God himself…… This deals with imputation, federal headship, and substitutionary legal atonement… Which we can get into at another time.
Ahmed: Matt, I will make it short for you, we do not believe in the original sin
Matt Slick: I know you do not believe in original sin.
Matt Slick: But, in Islam, the righteousness of God can be ignored. What I am focusing on is the actual sins that Muslims commit against their God And that in Islam God ignores many of those sins by just simply forgetting them.
Matt Slick: As you said earlier, you agreed that if a judge ignored the law of God he would not be a just judge. You said that God ignored his own moral law and he would not be God.
Ahmed: Wrong Matt, God does not forget
[My speech program put in forgetting instead of forgiving and I failed to catch it in time…]
Ahmed: God forgives
Matt Slick: Yet, in Islam, according to what you have said, Allah does exactly what you said God should not do.  He ignores his law and simply forgives people and the law is not satisfied.
Matt Slick: I’m asking you how that is righteous?
Ahmed: Unless the judge decides to forgive.  Because God is the Most Merciful
Matt Slick: You are not answering the question.  All you’re doing is saying he’s merciful. You are not telling me how he satisfies the righteousness of his law when he ignores it to forgive someone
Ahmed: I said to you not all sins require punishment.  Like God in the Bible in Isaiah says “I forgive sins for my own sake.”
Matt Slick: So, in Islam, there are sins that God doesn’t need to punish?
Ahmed: Repentance is just required.
Matt Slick: If they’re our sins that don’t need to be punished, then how are they sins? After all, sin is breaking the law of God. How do you break the law of God and get away with it?
Ahmed: By violating the law.
Matt Slick: What you’re telling me then is that in Islam, you can get away with breaking the law of God, you can get away with sinning, but just stopping the sin and/or having Allah forgive you — which means he ignores his own righteous law.
Matt Slick: In order for you to get around this problem now you tell me that there are sins that don’t require punishment? How then is such a sin really a sin?
Matt Slick: Can you please tell me in Islam, exactly what it means to sin?
Matt Slick: I must admit that you are at a slight disadvantage here because I assume, you are typing with your hands. I have the advantage of using a speech recognition program which enables me to speak and have it appear in the chat room. If I am going too quickly for you, please let me know and I will slow down.
Matt Slick: I am waiting. Were you going to tell me exactly what sin is in Islam?
Matt Slick: Are you there?
[He stopped responding at this point]
Matt Slick: Perhaps there is a server lag
Matt Slick: He does not seem the type to simply give up. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I assume he’s having technical problems.
Ahmed: Operation timed out
Matt Slick: Well, there you go.


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