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Quotes from Apostles Prophets and the coming moves of God, by Bill Hamon

by | May 7, 2022 | Minor Groups & Issues, New Apostolic Reformation

The following quotes are from the book by Dr. Bill Hamon, a prominent New Apostolic Leader.  The book is Apostles Prophets and the coming moves of God, Christian International, Santa Rosa, FL, 1999.  The quotes are arranged alphabetically by topic. The numbers in parentheses after each quote, are the Kindle locations of the quotes. Also, after many of them, I provided some brief comments.  In my assessment, I would not trust Bill Hamon.Bill Hamon

I used the Kindle version since it is easier to search.  I’ve underlined and bolded various sections for emphasis.


  1. Apostles
    1. “the demonic spirit world will fight with all they have to keep the apostles from coming forth” (457).
    2. “The apostles who have been commissioned by Jesus and released into their apostolic calling will have miracles, signs and wonders following their ministry.” (465-466)… the supernatural should be manifested in every true apostle” (484).
      1. Comment: Where are the signs and wonders? As a Christian apologist who pays attention to these things, and who is fed information by many Christians at the carm website, I’ve not heard of these great signs and wonders?  Are they keeping them to themselves?
  2. Book of the Mortal Church on Earth
    1. “The Lord Jesus gave me a vision while seeking Him with prayer and fasting. He showed me a great Book. Its title was The Book of the Mortal Church on Earth.” (300-301)…some of His ministers would only be shown one page or paragraph,” (304)…”He was giving me the responsibility of keeping an overall perspective and making the progressive purpose of God known to His corporate Church.” (306-307)… “…dealing with the full restoration of fivefold ministers and their ministry of equipping the saints.” (307)… “Following are some of the things I was allowed to see,” (308-309)…”New Assignments of the Angelic Host. More appearances of God’s holy angels and the devil’s demonic manifestations are decreed to begin now and continue escalating until the coming of the Lord Jesus.” (310-311)…”God has released the Holy Spirit to bring His revelations and activation to the end-time Church. This will bring forth the last generation of mortal people…” (312-313)…”God is activating the second phase of apostles and prophets and is fully restoring them to their rightful place of power and function” (314-315)…”The Holy Spirit Has Been Commissioned to Accelerate His Restorational Work in the Church” (317-318) … “which enables the saints of the Most High to fulfill Daniel 2:44; 7:18,22,27; and Revelation 11:15; 1:5-6; 5:9-10” (322)
      1. Comment: I’m not sure what to say about this except that it sounds incredible. While I believe it is certainly possible for the Lord to grant visions to people today (1 Cor. 1:7), this vision seems grandiose. How can its fulfillment be vindicated?  In Acts 19:11, Paul performed great miracles. in 1 Cor. 12:10, 28, miracles are part of the church’s gifting.  In fact, the signs of a true apostle are being able to perform signs, wonders, and miracles (2 Cor. 12:12). If this Dr. Hamon is an apostle, shouldn’t his vision be verified by signs, wonders, and miracles?  Where are they?
  3. Change in Christianity
    1. “…the most radical change in the way of doing Christianity since the Protestant Reformation.” (108-109).
      1. Comment: the Reformation was a huge movement that affected the entire Western nations with lasting and profound effects. To say that the change of doing Christianity will be the most radical one since the Reformation is actually an incredible claim. Where then is this change “in doing Christianity?” And, what is this great change?
  4. Condemning those who don’t agree with NAR
    1. “The religious Christian groups who are seclusive and exclusive, believing they are God’s only true people, will not be interested in networking with other Christian groups. Also, those who are more interested in indoctrinating people in their religious, “Christian” beliefs than in winning them to Jesus Christ will not be interested in networking.” (268-270).
      1. Comment: I wish Dr. Hammon would be more specific. But I cannot help and wonder if he is saying in a roundabout way that those who don’t agree with the New Apostolic Reformation are only interested in indoctrinating their own people. Is he implying that scriptural examination of his claims and the New Apostolic Reformation is not allowed?
  5. First Century Apostles
    1. Six Main Functions of First-Century Apostles 1. Taking the gospel to unreached areas (Rom. 15:20, NIV). 2. Planting churches upon the foundation of Christ and helping established churches return to this scriptural foundation (1 Cor. 3:10,11; Gal. 1:6-10; 3:13; Rev. 2:15). 3. Appointing and training the initial leaders of a church (Acts 14:21-23; Titus 1:5). 4. Dealing with specific problems, false doctrines or sins (1 Cor. 1:1-16:24; Acts 15). 5. Promoting unity in the Body of Christ and networking churches (Eph. 4:1-16; Acts 11:27-30; Rom. 15:25-27; 1 Cor. 16:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:9). 6. Demonstrating and imparting the supernatural dimension of the kingdom of God (2 Cor. 12:12; Acts 4:33; 8:4-20; 10:44-46; 19:16; 2 Tim. 1:6-7). (162-167).
      1. Comment: There is no mention of these modern-day apostles actually seeing the risen Lord per Paul’s defense of his apostleship in 1 Cor. 9:1.  If anyone did, it makes more sense to say they would be transformed in one of the effects would be profound humility.
  6. Five-fold Ministry
    1. “All fivefold ministers are extensions of Christ’s five-fold nature of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher…All are to be able to preach the Word and minister the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as healing the sick, casting out demons and revealing the mind of Christ concerning specific areas in the life of God’s people.” (375-379).
      1. Comment: there is a lot of controversy about the fivefold ministry. In the Greek of Ephesians 4:11, it actually says he gave some as ‘the apostles,’ and ‘the prophets,’ and ‘the evangelists,’ and ‘the pastors and teachers.”  The word “the” occurs only four out of the five references suggesting that the latter office is held by the same individual; namely, the pastor-teacher. This is important because it cast doubt on the so-called fivefold ministry aspect of the New Apostolic Reformation.
  7. Pastors
    1. Women pastors
      1. “This is the day and hour when God is bringing forth His women to be the ministers that God ordained them to be. Husband and wife teams are one of the highest orders of team ministries.” (1330-1332).
        1. Comment: the Bible clearly tells us that women are not to exercise authority over men because Adam was first created (1 Tim. 2:12-13). Therefore this is not a cultural context, especially since Paul is giving instructions on how to people are to behave in the household of God (1 Tim. 3:15). furthermore, a pastor is an elder (1 Tim. 5:17), and elders are to be ‘husbands of one wife” (Titus1:5-6). In brief, women are not to be pastors and elders according to Scripture. Yet, these “apostles and prophets” who claim to speak for God, also violate Scripture in this regard. Therefore, how can we trust them?
  8. Restorational Movement
    1. Apostolic Reformation equal to the first apostolic movement
      1. “The last-generation Church will have an Apostolic Reformation that will be as great as the first-generation generation Apostolic Movement (227-228)…will accelerate the final restorational work of the Holy Spirit…” (230-231)… “the removal moval of many man-made traditions…” (237) “the ‘pastor’ of a church will be redefined…” (240) … “Church cell home groups will increase and transition into doing the work of the ministry.” (248-249)  “…will cause believers to manifest the supernatural grace, gifts, and power of God” (252-253) “…There will be a new emphasis on prophetic and apostolic heads of denominations to network together” (262-263).
        1. Comment: This is a prophecy that is equivalent to an earthquake in Christianity. Is it happening or going to happen? So far, it hasn’t.
    2. Restoring Apostles and Prophets
      1. “A major restorational work is taking place now. Christ Jesus is moving His Church along progressively toward an ultimate goal…restoring two major ministries back into the Church. Jesus gave the Prophet and the Apostle…Nevertheless, church theologians who did not have an understanding standing of God’s full purpose for Apostles and Prophets took them out of the present Church. (117-125)
      2. “When the apostles are fully restored, there will be the greatest harvest of souls ever.” (148-149)
        1. Comment: another prophecy of what Jesus is doing in the Christian church which, conveniently, is said to support the main premise of the New Apostolic Reformation; namely, present-day apostles and prophets.
    3. The miraculous will occur
      1. “The present-truth Church will no longer be a mixed multitude but a disciplined army under dominion. It will be like the time of Israel after three months of sovereign deliverance from Egypt and supernatural manifestations such as the Red Sea being rolled back.” (199-200).
        1. Comment:  The parting of the Red Sea was indeed an incredible miracle. It was witnessed by millions. Therefore, the prophecy of supernatural manifestations on the same level would be something that would hit the news media all over the world. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
  9. Miscellaneous
    1. Goat and Sheep Nations: “…goat and sheep nations so that when Jesus Christ comes He can put the sheep nations on His right and the goat nations on His left.” (151-152).
    2. NAR, other names of
      1. “…the New Apostolic Reformation, previously referred to by some as independent churches or nondenominational churches or post-denominational churches or grass-roots churches.” (107-108).
  10. People supported
    1. Benny Hinn, “Mass evangelism with the supernatural works of God has been reactivated by such men of God as Benny Hinn and Reinhard hard Bonnke.” (221-222).
      1. Comment: is obviously a false teacher. He taught that Adam used to fly, that Eve was supposed to bring children out of her side, that if you’re a Christian you’re a little Messiah, that Adam was a God, in other abject heresies. For documentation on this please see Positive confession preachers and teachers’ list of heresies
    2. William Branham, “There were prophets who came forth with great prophetic insight, words of knowledge and miracles, such as William Branham and Paul Cain.” (2156-2157).
      1. Comment: William Branham was a false teacher. But he taught that the Trinity was three separate gods, the serpent seed doctrine, that women are the source of sin, that he was visited by an angel, and claimed to be God’s voice to people. For documentation on this please see my article on William Branham.
  11. Prophecies
    1. “Unless a tremendous revival happens within these nations, a great war between East and West will take place around the turn of this century.” (342-343).
      1. Comment: A tremendous revival did not happen. So, why did the great war not occur?  Is this a false prophecy?
  12. Scripture References
    1. Haggai 2:9, “The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the LORD of hosts,” (Haggai 2:9).
      1.  “The glory of this latter house [last-days Church] shall be greater than of the former [early Church]” (Hag. 2:9). Jesus chose twelve men from the business world and ordained them as apostles.” (327-328).
    2. Malachi 4:5-6, “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. “He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”
      1. “The Promise Keepers ministry was born of the Holy Spirit to further fulfill God’s prophetic purpose stated in Malachi…The Generals of Intercession ministry directed by Cindy Jacobs cobs is also a part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.” (215-218)
      1. “But when He ascended on high He did give His ministry to men and women (Eph. 4:8).” (Location 1794).
  13. Sheep and Goat Nations
    1. “…apostles are divinely sent to give God’s revelation and prophetic word for that nation. How that nation responds to God’s Word will determine whether they become a goat or sheep nation.” (337-338).
      1. Comment: this is an interesting proclamation about how some nations will be converted to Christianity and some won’t. We don’t see this happening now. Will it?


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