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Is wife swapping okay?

by | Dec 11, 2008 | Questions, Sexuality

Wife swapping is not okay even if the partners agree to do it. It is a sin. Wife swapping is the perverted practice where married couples get together and “exchange wives” in order to have sexual intercourse with them. This is adultery. The Bible defines what marriage is and it also states where the sexual union is to be held; namely, within the marriage covenant. The Bible tells us that a husband and wife are to remain faithful to each other. Wife swapping is a sinful and adulterous practice forbidden in scripture. Exodus 20:14 says, “You shall not commit adultery.”

In addition, wife swapping breaks the covenant of marriage, shows the wife that she is not valued and respected enough to be guarded by her husband, and, of course, opens both spouses up to sexually transmitted diseases. It is nothing more than a flesh-satisfying perversion that is rooted in humanistic, selfish desires and philosophy.


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