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Did David rape Bathsheba?

In 2 Samuel 11:4, it says that King David sent for Bathsheba and that she came to him, and he laid with her. She was not his wife but was the wife of Uriah. So the question is, "Did David rape Bathsheba?" We cannot say for sure because we do not know if Bathsheba...

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What is fornication?

What is fornication?  It is illicit sexual activity outside of marriage. It is when an unmarried person has sexual relations with someone. In Greek, the word for "fornication" is πορνεία, porneía, which is where the word 'pornography' comes from. It is the Strong's #...

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Is it okay to practice manscaping?

Manscaping is the practice where men remove body hair by shaving, waxing, and/or plucking. There can be different reasons for doing this such as preventing lice, enhancing sexual appeal, religious reasons, etc. Bodybuilders have removed bodily hair for years in order...

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