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Articles written by Matt Slick

Articles written by Matt Slick

Matt Slick is President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

Is the Quran really from God?

Is the Quran really from God? Muslims say it is. Christians say it is not. So which is it? After all, simply saying it is or is not from God does not make it so. Therefore, to find out if it's from God, we need to look at it, see what it says, and see if it contains...

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Movie Review: Civil War

The movie Civil War drops you into the middle of a military conflict, where the United States is divided and where mayhem, death, depravity, and violence coalesce into an angry lion seeking to kill. There are opposing sides, but you don't know who's good or bad. You...

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What is the origin of morality?

From the Christian perspective, morality does not have an origin. It did not have a beginning. Instead, it was revealed from the eternal God. It reflects His eternal nature. So we wouldn't say there was a time when morality did not exist. We would not say that God...

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Is the God of the Bible racist?

The God of the Bible is not racist. He does not consider the color of a person's skin or heritage when showing favor or punishment. He does not look at outward appearance. God is concerned with the inner man, with the heart. Scripture says God sees the heart (1 Sam....

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