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What is divine hiddenness and is it biblical?

What is divine hiddenness and is it biblical?

Divine hiddenness deals with the apparent lack of clear and unmistakable evidence for God's existence. But, this is a subjective issue. Some people see plenty of evidence for God's existence, whereas others see no evidence at all. Furthermore, what may be sufficient...

What are the dead sea scrolls and when were they written?

What are the dead sea scrolls and when were they written?

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of writings found in 11 caves near the Dead Sea in Qumran, Israel, from 1947 to 1956. They are the greatest of Biblical archaeological discoveries and contain copies of every Old Testament book except Esther, religious...

What is the outer darkness spoken of in the New Testament?

What is the outer darkness spoken of in the New Testament?

The outer darkness is that place of the punishment of the wicked. We do not know whether it is physical or metaphorical. But, it is described as a place so far away that it is always in darkness. The phrase is used three times in the New Testament, only in the Gospel...

What are some reasons to leave a Christian church?

What are some reasons to leave a Christian church?

There are good Christian churches, and there are bad Christian churches. But what would be sufficient reasons to leave one Church to attend another? Aside from issues like location, pews or chairs, hymns or praise songs, etc., there are valid reasons to leave. I've...

What are the different ways to hear God’s voice?

What are the different ways to hear God’s voice?

There are many different ways in which people claim to hear the voice of God, and there are different ways to interpret the phrase "hear God's voice." Many Christians have reported the sensation of "hearing God" in their hearts. This is very subjective, but it seems...

What are the core beliefs of Christianity?

What are the core beliefs of Christianity?

The core beliefs of the Christian faith are pretty basic. They are found in Scripture both directly and indirectly. I will list them out and then discuss them. There is only one God in all places and all time. God is a Trinity. Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus was...

Did Jesus sin by telling the disciples to take a donkey?

Did Jesus sin by telling the disciples to take a donkey?

Did Jesus sin by telling the disciples to take a donkey in Matt. 21:1-3, Mark 11:2-3; Luke 19:30–32?  There are two main reasons why He did not. First, since Jesus is God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14; Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:8), the Scriptures about God owning everything...

Why did God have the Jews destroy Jericho?

Why did God have the Jews destroy Jericho?

God had the Jews destroy Jericho because it was a place of idolatry and wickedness and stood in the way of the Jews entering into the promised land (Gen. 12:1-7; 15:18-21). God deals harshly with immoral people who will not repent (Lev. 18:24-30; Deut. 12:31). In...

Prepping List

Prepping List

Why make a prepping list? It is biblical to prepare for the future. It doesn't mean we aren't trusting God. It means we are being wise. Proverbs 6:6–8, "Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, 7 Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, 8 Prepares her...

Romans Bible Study, Chapter 16

Romans Bible Study, Chapter 16 To download the Notes below in Word, click here.   I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea; Phoebe Φοίβη Phoíbē, means radiant, only occurs here. Servant - διάκονος diákonos Does her...