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Book and Movie Reviews

Movie review on Tomorrowland

George Clooney stars as Frank, a disillusioned genius, who along with Casey (Britt Robertson), end up working together to rescue the world from an impending disaster. But, to do this they must get to Tomorrowland a place located in another space and time. It is a...

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Movie Review on San Andreas

San Andreas starring Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, is a modernized version of the typical 70s disaster movie. It is full of "yeah-rights", impossible situations to get out of (that people get out of), and a host of really good special effects. The plot was highly...

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Movie Review: Fury

Fury is very well done. I was impressed by the cinematography, the acting, the action, and the special effects. In short, it was superbly done.  Fury is based on the true story of a Sherman tank crew who stood their ground against seemingly insurmountable odds.  the...

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Movie Review: Kingsman

Movie Review: Kingsman: Do not go see this movie. This review contains some graphic comments and a spoiler.  So, you've been warned. The Kingsman is a secret British spy organization whose purpose is to thwart evil while remaining anonymous and, of course, being...

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Movie Review: Gravity

The movie Gravity is a spectacular, cinematographic wonder that exposes you to the cold and silent dangers of space hundreds of kilometers above Earth where the veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) and Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) are repairing the...

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Movie Review: Unbroken

Unbroken is based on the true-life of Louis Zamperini (Jack O'Connell) who faced and survived incredible and horrendous difficulties.  The film opens with a battle sequence between bombers and Japanese zeros during World War II.  It's very well done and you are...

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Movie Review: Ouija

Ouija Is a typical horror movie aimed at boys and girls in their late teens and early 20s who like, for some reason, to be scared out of their seats. Does the movie deliver? Occasionally yes, but for the most part this predictable, boring movie only serves to...

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