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Contact CARM

To Contact CARM please read this.  CARM gets a great many emails.  Please help us out by reading before you contact us.  Thanks. Email Emails become the property of CARM and may be used by CARM in citations whether in totality, or in part, for quotes, or in...

CARM To Do List

The following to do list has been compiled from the requests to CARM for information on different groups and people. Being on this list does not mean that the group or person is or is not Christian, good, bad, or anything. It means they are on the list to be...
What is the true meaning of Christmas?

What is the true meaning of Christmas?

The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, who lived in Israel 2000 years ago, never did anything wrong (1 Pet. 2:24), and died on the cross for our sins (1 Cor. 15 1-4; 1 Pet. 2:24). Christmas is when we reflect on and celebrate His...
What are the origins of Christmas?

What are the origins of Christmas?

Christmas is the most popular holiday in America. Both the secular and the sacred celebrate it, but for different reasons. Some see it as the greatest business time of the year which is fueled by the buying and exchanging of gifts. Others consider it the time to...

Movie Review: Ouija

Ouija Is a typical horror movie aimed at boys and girls in their late teens and early 20s who like, for some reason, to be scared out of their seats. Does the movie deliver? Occasionally yes, but for the most part this predictable, boring movie only serves to...

Movie Review: Interstellar

Interstellar: In the future when Earth is dying, science comes to the rescue and a few brave souls venture through a wormhole and reach the stars in hopes of finding another world in which mankind can continue.  It is a magnificent science-fiction tale of risk,...

How can I be saved?

To be saved means to be delivered from the righteous judgment of God. So when someone asks “How can I be saved?” the person is asking how to have his/her sins forgiven, to not go to hell, and to go to heaven. Furthermore, it means the person recognizes...

Cut and Paste Info on Relativism

Relativism is perhaps the easiest of all positions to refute. When someone states that all truth is relative or that there are no absolute truths, then it is a simple matter of demonstrating the illogic of their position. These short replies to their statements are just what you need. Following are some statements made by those in relativism. Find one that fits, copy and paste the reply into a window and see what they say.

What is the Illuminati Conspiracy?

What is the Illuminati Conspiracy?

The Illuminati Conspiracy is the theory that there is a secret organization comprised of various individuals/families (i.e., Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, etc.)1Maxwell, William (2014-01-14). Illuminati: The Illuminati Exposed – Find Out Exactly What The...