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The Clear Word Bible and the Sabbath

The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches that the Saturday Sabbath is to be kept today and that it is the proper day in which Church services are to be held, not on Sunday. This significantly impacted how they worded the Clear Word Bible, an SDA paraphrase. New...

Introduction to the Seventh-day Adventist Clear Word Bible

The Clear Word Bible, published by Review and Herald® Publishing Association and authored by Jack J. Blanco, is a paraphrase, not a translation.  For the purposes of its examination, I have used the 2003 edition that I purchased in the Pacific Press Publishing...

The Clear Word Bible and Annihilationism

The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches that when a person dies that he ceases to exist but that he is resurrected with his body.  The righteous live forever and the wicked are judged and destroyed.  In other words, the wicked cease to exist.  Their position is based...

42 Jackie Robinson

I'm probably one of the very few guys on the planet who has absolutely no interest in following sports, any sport. I don't know why, but that's just the way it is. So, when a movie about baseball came on the scene, I automatically categorized it as something to pass...

Iron Man 3

Robert Downey Junior reprises his role as Tony Stark, the narcissistic, genius, superhero who uses technology to the nth degree in his fight against bad guys. And, as usual, he delivers his role with the witty, bantering style we've come to appreciate. In this third...

Psalm 82:6, the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Psalm 82 is what's called an imprecatory Psalm.  In other words, it is a Psalm of condemnation and judgment against the unrighteous.  Let's take a look at the entire Psalm. God takes His stand in His own congregation. He judges in the midst of the rulers. How long...


Da, hrišćanstvo je jedina istinita religija. To možda zvuči dogmatski i uskogrudo, ali jednostavna istina je da je hrišćanstvo jedina istinita religija. Isus je rekao da je on jedini put do Oca (Jovan 14:6), i da jedino on otkriva Oca (Mat. 11:27; Luka 10:22)....


Hrišćanin je osoba koja sledi učenja hrišćanske vere, koja je monoteistička, trinitarijanska (Bog kao Trojstvo) i osnovana je od strane Isusa iz Nazareta pre 2000 godina u Izraelu. Isus je ispunio Starozavetna proročanstva o budućem Mesiji, činio čuda, i trvdio da je...


Postoji samo jedan Bog – Isa. 43:10; 44:6,8; Jovan 17:3; 1. Kor. 8:5-6; Gal. 4:8-9 Bog je Trojstvo – 2. Kor. 13:14; 1. Pet. 1:2 Nisu postojali, niti će postojati drugi bogovi osim Boga – Isa. 43:10 Bog je sveznajuć – 1. Jov. 3:20 Bog je svemoguć - Psalmi 115:3 Bog je...


Istina nije osećanje. Istina nije ideja. Istina se nalazi u Bibliji. Sekte greše jer nemaju istinu. Drugim rečima, imaju lažno razumevanje Boga Oca, Boga Sina, i Svetog Duha, i Hristovog dela na krstu. Zato što greše u ovim poljima, greše i u učenju o spasenju....

The Mormon Church and homosexuality

When it comes to the issue of same-sex marriage, to its credit the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says, "The Church’s doctrinal position is clear: Sexual activity should only occur between a man and a woman who are married . . . Any other sexual...

Has science disproven Christianity? 

No, science has not disproven Christianity. Scientists seek to understand how the universe and everything in it works based on a systematized attempt to learn through observations, hypothesis, testing to validate or invalidate the hypothesis, and developing a theory...